[COMMUNICATED] It is well known that the Jackson communities have had their fair share of legal struggles preventing them from building any proper Shuls or Mikvaos to service the communities.
Bais Shabsi, located within the Lakewood municipality, but situated near many of the Jackson communities, has over the last 17 years become a vibrant Makom Torah U’tefila all week long for many of these communities.
The need for a new facility as well as an accessible Mikvah Taharah to service this influx has become obvious.
About a year and a half ago, Bais Shabsi embarked on am ambitious project to build a brand new state of the art Shul and Mikvah. Boruch Hashem, with much Siyata Dishmaya they are nearing the completion of the new permanent Makom Torah U’tfilla – Bais Hamedrash Bais Shabsi.
The building encompasses:
• A beautiful 150-seat main Bais Hamedrash along with an Ezras Noshim/Cheder Sheni with 60seats.
• An expansive Otzar Haseforim which will be open throughout the day, a tremendous asset for Lomdei Torah.
• A much-needed community Simcha Hall with Seating for 200-plus people to accommodate local Simchas.
• Mikvah Mei Chaya Pessel – to be completed imminently..
Great effort and expenditures have already been invested in order to reach this point. However, Bais Shabsi can only reach their goal, the completion of Bais Hamedrash Bais Shabsi, with your help and dedication.
Let us all join together to complete this essential project.Your support and participation will go a long way towards the success of this vital project!
Please give whatever you can, and help spread the word!
An exemplary shul on the Lakewood/Jackson border, led without fanfare for close to two decades by its dynamic, multi-dimensional Rav, R’ Yaakov Kaplan shlita. The shul serves as a nerve center for the greater area, catering to everyone and anyone across the spectrum. A true kiddush shem shamayim, a makom Torah U’Tefillah worthy of everyone’s support.