[COMMUNICATED] Until 1pm today, Wednesday, we are giving you a chance to make a donation and have it quadrupled!
How often do you have the chance to give $18 and have it turned into $72, or have $100 dollars turned into $400? Well, now is your chance. Help us reach our goal of $260,000 by giving as much as you can, and having your donation quadruple in value. But remember, it’s all or nothing!
The Bais Havaad is a centralized resource that provides community wide training and resources. Many Rabbonim from many different communities rely on the Bais Havaad for guidance, thereby helping them guide their congregants in the right direction. Help The Bais Havaad so they can continue doing the wonderful work that thousands of Jews benefit from.
Featuring a Kollel with 25 full time members participating in our dayanus training program, there are already 20 active dayanim who are musmachim of this 7 year cycle. Bais HaVaad provides a whole array of services from our hotline; fielding hundreds of sheilos a month, to more complicated issues that require extensive personalized research and answers. We operate one of the most respected Batei Din in America and we are the leading resource of halachic contracts heter iska, wills, partnerships, employment agreements and more. We provide consultations in setting up agreements and halachically enforceable documents which prevent all sorts of dispute and help to maintain shalom in our community. Our weekly newsletters are read by thousands across the world and Baruch Hashem, we have seen a tremendous explosion in interest and knowledge of the halachos contained in Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat.
With 2015 coming to a close, it’s your last chance for your 2015 tax deductions.
You’ve counted on us, now we’re counting on you.
Help us continue our critical work. It’s all or nothing!
Click HERE to donate!
Written by: fwd/NYC Marketing specializing in complete non-profit marketing services packages.