The Lakewood and Howell Police Departments are requesting the public’s assistance in locating a Frum missing 80-year-old man with Alzheimer’s.
The man, Amnon Malchi, a Lakewood resident, was last seen in Walrmart today.
Malchi was at the Walmart on Route 9 in Howell and got into a 2008 White Hyundai Sonata at approximately 12:15pm and drove away, unknown direction of travel. This vehicle does not belong to him. It was a random vehicle parked in the lot. The plates on the vehicle are WVU-23D.
UPDATE 7:50PM: A family member sent the following information to TLS.
“He was taken today to Walmart SUPERVISED by a family friend. As they are walking through Walmart he told this family friend he wants to sit down. He went to sit down. Meanwhile this friend went to go get something from the pharmacy he turns around and Amnon Malchi is gone (my grandfather). My family found out from the security guards of Walmart that he had went outside saw a WHITE car running and drove off. About 6 months ago we had taken away his WHITE car due to his Alzheimer’s worsening. My grandfather is missing for over 7 hours now. We are davening and hoping we find him soon. Please daven with us.”
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Howell Township Police Department at 732-938-4111.
Wait did someone just leave their keys in a vehicle and he got in and took it?? Makes no sense
He speaks Hebrew as a 1st language.
Did he drive to his last home maybe?
Are searchers necessary? If so please post.
We are davening! May Hashem help him be found safe very soon.
Of course we are davening for Mr, Malchi and his whole family He should be found soon safe, but I think we should also daven for the family friend that left him [ although just for a moment] because I am sure that this friend want be able to rest till Mr, Malchi is found I hope it will bei EZRAS HASHEM be very soon AMEIN,
Can’t they track the EZ Pass on Garden State Parkway.
FYI . There is a new, well published support for Alzheimer’s patients. The two substances are CBD oil, and Indium Sulfate. Both are available on line. They are natural substances and have been found to be a huge help for Alzherimer’s. Within two weeks, patients can become more lucid, be responsible for themselves, become sociable, and more manageable. Worth checking it out. Also useful for other brain and neurodegenerative diseases, such as post stroke recovery, MS, Parkinson’s and epilepsy. Do your own search on line. This information is from Dr. Robin Murphy, N.D.
Poison ivy is also a natural substance. So is opium. Who cares if it’s natural, the question is if it actually does anything.
How does this help find this man? Is this a health forum? Did you just see keyword Alzheimer’s????
Please focus on the situation that is happening. Daven !
Can w e please have a Tehillim name for Mr. Malachi
To public health specialist
Thank you for the info regarding the oil and sulfate. We will definitely look into it
Name for Tehilim
Amnon Ben Yonah (mother )
Amnon Ben Zachariah (father )
Evrtbody doesnt know what davening is. God excepts all prayers. What does answering a math question have to do if you are human or not. I know you wont post this it makes to much sense.