An investigation is underway after a dead pig was left at the doorstep of a Lakewood Rabbi.
The small pig was left just outside the Rabbi’s door sometime over Shabbos.
Lakewood’s Detective Bureau and CSI are investigating the incident.
“Our detectives, along with CSI, are investigating this as an apparent Bias Crime,” Lakewood Police Chief Greg Meyer told TLS. “We will not tolerate such acts in our Town.”
“This incident is beyond horrifying & should be condemned by all,” said the ADL.
What area?
somebody must have a big grudge
Maybe its a siman that we should learn more and “chazer” more….:)
What’s the Rabbi’s name?
crazy did they catch the suspect??
To “Maybe”
One פשט is as you suggest that it’s a סימן that we should ״Chazer” more.
“דבר אחר” a different פשט is that it’s a reminder that we’re in גלות
god yaazor
Very good!
when i was a kid Rabbi Juravel on his tapes [Remember cassettes] said that we should not say the word p-i-g!!!!
That is so uncalled for!I don’t know why some people have to be so cruel and biased.I don’t care what a person’s religion or skin color or nationality is. Everyone needs to remember that we’re all created the same way. We’re all God’s creatures. We all share this Earth. Try to respect one another. It’s not that hard to do.
Not only Is this bias crime: Was the little pig slaughtered humanely? Why is there no blood around it? Did a vehicle pull up in the middle of the night in front of the Rabbi’s home? Or could one masked guy have schlepped the heavy dead little pig a distance?
This wasn’t a $2 can of spray paint ; this was quite a job.
if you look at the picture you’ll see that it’s not such a large pig.
Whoever did this horrible act ‘p’iggured he’s going to get away with it…let’s hope he gets caught!
Who cares?? Just get rid of the dead animal like when you find e dead squirrel and move on. Why we making an issue over nothing?
Walking out to a dead pig on your porch is incredibly unnerving. it isn’t like a dead squirrel at all.
lol if the motive was anti Semitic, wouldn’t graffiti or something have been easier? Seriously, someone dragged a pig all the way to the Rabbi’s house? Joke is on the guy who wasted time on this
I know who it is for $500 I’ll tell
Do you accept credit cards?
A credit card for $500?!?
Most people have that amount in their PIGgy bank!!!
Did you see the comment from Mr. Speak Nicely?
that is disgusting smh
Just food for thought as much as people on here bash liberals and democrats i bet it was a republican or some other right winger who did this!!! Column A !!!
@James Bond, I’ve experienced some serious anti-Semitic behavior locally in Ocean County from a die hard Democrat. Don’t politicize this act of hatred.
Gevaldiga Peshat: That the pig was placed at the door of the Rabbi on Pashes Veyetzai to remind the rabbi that he should explain in depth who Lavan harasha was and the hardship he created for Jacob.
oy oy oy oy oy