AUDIO: Reb Yisroel Meir Shapiro, of the S.S.S.S. Shiur, and owner of Out To Lunch, is known to many from the Acheinu Albums. In his earlier years however, Yisroel Meir was a star soloist on the Amudai Shaish Boys Choir. In this 1978 song, made possible by, Yisroel Meir sings (low) Al Aileh with Ahron Cohen, as well as adult star soloists Rivi Schweble and Ali Scharf, accompanied by the Amudai Shaish Orchestra under the direction of Shmuel Borger and Sheya Mendlowitz. Child photo credit
Audio: Young Star Soloist Yisroel Meir Shapiro
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Whoa…nice voice!
It is scary how time flies. Seems like just yesterday that this song came out. I for one miss the quality of music and singers from then. I guess that time is not standing still for anyone. Thanks for the nostalga.
yisroel meir your voice had and has the ability to open up yhe chakras to my heart, your voice is so pure so pleasent , thank you , please dont ever stop.
Yisroel Meir: You were the best and still are!!!
he also runs distrubeter 4 Korns bread his son is a gr8 boy in 10th
I really do miss the songs, music and singers from then.
i wanna cry when i listen to this song. It is so healthy to allow a child to develop his talents. if his father or principal would have said, ‘sorry you will miss school – you can’t be in the choir’…look at what a special person he turned out.
Y.M. knows that I taught him everything he knows, except how to sing! That he has from his own bottomless heart!
life needs singers like him
no youtube for me 🙁
yeshivanet shmeshivanet
kokosh is great though
keep it up
hey YM did you sing with the young avremel too? on aruka may’eretz midah? thats a great song that needs reintroducing.