In a letter to officials, Attorney Inzelbuch said the Township should lend approximately $1,150,000 for public school sports and non-public special services.
The following letter was sent:
“Dear Mayor Coles, Senator Singer, and Mr. Forney:
I write this to you and the Committee as a proud resident of the town I love, Lakewood.
I enclose Superintendent Winters “Athletic Program Budget “that will restore all sports to our public-school students.
(This is in addition to the Football Team that the Township graciously committed to previously.)
I do note that this is the first time that I have seen a fully detailed description of what the Athletics programs will cost that is concise and well-articulated. Credit to Superintendent Winters for this.
I have also spoken to Monitor Shafter and Superintendent Winters at 12:25 pm (after Monitor Shafter’s email) and to restore all the librarians and supplies there will be no additional monies needed PROVIDED the anticipated $105,000.00 from the NJDOE is received as Senator Singer advised this morning. (Thank you Senator Singer.)
In addition, there is a need for $599,666.00 for additional IDEA nonpublic services (OT, PT, shadows) that is desperately needed but was removed from the Budget due to public school needs.
So – bottom line – the district’s students need$1,157,222.00
($557,556.00 plus $599,666.00)
Hope the students receive it.
So – all guidance, all librarians, all teachers , and nonpublic services will be restored IF these monies are identified .
If need be I will commit to raising $20,000.00 from the local Orthodox community who desire a strong public school system and viable district.”
Inzelbuch then added some contingencies.
Here’s a way the leaders of the community can actually help ALL children.
Public kids need sports in our schools.
Non public need therapies -in our schools.
Demand the Township to have a special meeting.
(It’s just as easy as the constant demands of the Board)
However, they too should LEND -not give -the money -lend it for up to 1 year with the following conditions (which will provide short term and the best shot at Long term solutions)
1- state monitors (who I like and get along with ) stop running the district -they need to be limited to their legal role
Superintendent needs to run district -and -monitors, for example, need to give an accounting how they asked for $15 million when it was never needed (It would be nice to get $15 million as well as a Lexus -lol)
(Like him or not -I do -Fred Rush had a good point recently when he stated ” I don’t understand -debt has only risen and services and stability only decreased since State came in.)
2- state monitors pledge to work with township or its designee-stop their overrides every time someone burps (there are times when overrides are needed ,especially when Board acts without basis)
3- any and all payments made by district must be reviewed and approved by township or its designee
(this would prevent monitors from stopping change such as …)
allow for accountability
(for example when Board paid a Firm almost $100k for a report on special ed that allegedly states how all is great (despite Reality), yet, the Board can’t get the basis /date of the report because of poor planning and refusal of third party
4- meeting held with Mayor and Bd Prez and senator and commissioner within 2 weeks of state budget crisis being resolved to meaningfully discuss short term and long term
5- Immediately review LSTA situation
I remain willing to be of assistance
Inzelbuch still has not decided whether he’ll accept the Board Attorny position.
Very smart good idea.
Win win for all.
When is officially coming back already??
District will not have a money to pay back, what is next?
real estate taxes will go up again to cover loan.
Funds have to come from State, otherwise State will expect Township to do this every year.
This is backdooring a tax raise. All children need sports, how about taking that one million and building more parks. That it what the municipal portion of the taxes is for.
And what happens to all these loans once a Democrat gets in and gets rid of the 2% property tax cap? A massive tax increase for Lakewood.