Assembly Republican Conference Leader Dave Rible, R-Monmouth and Ocean, said he strongly supports Assembly Resolution 154, which expresses support for the State of Israel in defending itself against attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization over disagreements regarding Gaza. The resolution was discussed at a State House press conference today attended by Rible, who is a prime sponsor of the resolution, and a bipartisan group of state senators and assembly representatives.
“Israel has an inherent right to protect its people and homeland. Both Israel and the Palestinians deserve to live in peace, free from fear and violence. Hamas’ unprovoked attacks on Israel and Gaza resulted in bloodshed and the loss of innocent lives. New Jersey’s long-standing alliance and friendship with the Israel is stronger than ever. I hope that a peaceful resolution to this conflict is achieved which respects the rights of all people.”
Assemblyman Rible is a true friend!!
what about 500 people who are unemployed due to monitor..where do you stand on this…how come you are not involved..