Askonim have brought to our attention that several employees of the Lakewood High School today were very frustrated being unable to leave their parking spots due to vehicles not properly parked during a Levaya.
Askonim ask those attending Levayas to ensure they are properly parked along Ramsey Avenue and the nearby lots.
Parking is also permitted along parts of East 7th Street – except during school dismissal times.
The arrogance (or ignorance) of people who park in spots which block others is beyond me. Why do they think their time is more important than the person being blocked? What Chutzpah! I’ve seen this too often. Which reminds me of my long time question of who thought of the idea in Yeshiva of parking (moderated)? The whole concept shows such bad middos, but it’s now become acceptable. How can anyone block others when they park?!?
my husband got blocked in yeshiva’s parking lot yesterday by two different cars that locked their doors and didn’t leave keys. He urgently had to leave so I could get to work! He needed to call a taxi to get home and two different people were inconvenienced to help us pick up the car later!
Unbelievable! I guess these drivers were absent for mussar seder.
Where are these “Askonim” when Everyday Joes get blocked in/out of their driveways when vehicles are “not properly parked during” Seder on a daily basis?
Where are these “Askonim” when Everyday Joes can’t find a spot because vehicles are “not properly parked” across two or sometimes three spaces?
Where are these “Askonim” when Everyday Joes” can’t drive down a street because vehicles are “not properly” stopped or parked and blocking the road?
It’s interesting that when our actions “frustrate” non-Jews, “Askonim” are quick to remind us to be considerate and not make a chillul hashem, but we don’t always think twice about inconveniencing others within our community…
And what about the chutzpah of those that park in handicapped spots. Besides for the fact that they are preventing a handicapped person to use the spot they also miss the opportunity to thank Hashem that he/she doesn’t need it bh. Pls be more considerate and sensitive to others. In that zchus may we be zoche to the Geula bkarov.
@ everyday Joe, can I get an amen!!!!
#2 very true. Thank you
@everyday Joe
How does one park across 3 spaces?
Public school parking is for public school staff….Do not park where children
are. One has already been hit. Carpool or walk……Dangerous..Students must cross. Staff parks. Do not park there….
@TheDoctor, in a parking lot, diagonally.
If cars cannot get out of the parking lot then emergency vehicles such as Fire Trucks, Police or Ambulances cannot get in. G@D forbid there is a fire, medical emergency or active shooter at the school. This conduct is a disaster waiting to happen.