Have you ever had a “conversation” with an AI bot? Superficially, such interactions may appear like a conversation with a real human being since the programs “learn” how humans typically respond to your questions or comments, but we know that there is a world of difference between a human thinking mind and an artificial intelligence device that learns only to mimic human conversation.
In our mosdos today I have personally witnessed a similar phenomenon, perhaps just as chilling. There are Bnei Torah who are going through the motions of attending shiurim and sedarim, but they are not actually learning Torah. There are Rabbis and mechanchim who look and act very frum but lack the basic foundation skills necessary to give over the Torah to the next generation.
Shloime was an avreich in BMG (Bais Medrash Gehova) in Lakewood who had been in full-time learning after Bais Medrash for 10 years but could not properly read and translate Hebrew or Aramaic.
Reuven, a 22-year-old, was learning in the Mir Yeshiva. An assessment of his foundation skills revealed he admitted that he struggled in learning but since his parents had money, they sent him to the Mir and they hoped that this way he’d get a good shidduch.
Rabbi G, a pulpit Rav in his 60s was a great orator but lacked knowledge of basic grammar in Lashon Hakodesh.
Sadly, I cannot do anything about the pressures that are keeping men and bochurim “in learning” even when they are just going through the motions for the sake of image or shidduchim or other pressures, when in truth they do not know how to learn properly. This is a societal problem and requires a societal solution.
But the problem of not knowing HOW to learn properly I can do something about.
This has become my life’s mission and this is why I created Shaar Hatalmud, a “Yeshiva without walls”. Working with bnei Torah and talmidim globally has given me a unique and privileged perspective on this problem. I don’t work directly for specific Torah institutions which allows me to have an objective position, and without fear of losing my job. My decades of experience helping thousands of talmidim remedy their lagging skills, as well as my specific training in the Zobin Method, has given me ample time to develop solutions.
“I was spurred on to make this work my life’s mission by my rebbi, the Mashgiach, R’ Mattisyahu Salomon zt”l, years ago in Gateshead. He was not alone amongst our Gedolim in pointing out that missing skills were a deep problem plaguing the frum world. (I am soon to publish a sefer called עשה לך רב : A Talmid’s Journey – A Lifelong Bond with rebbe, HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Matisyahu Chaim Salomon zt”l, Spanning More Than Four Decades,)”
“I Can’t Learn” is available for purchase at all Jewish bookstores or online at
For evaluations, speaking engagements or to sponsor my seforim, please contact my office at Tel. (514) 739-3629
Cell/Whatsapp (514) 993-5300
Email: [email protected]
Rabbi Abenson is the founder and director of ShaarHatalmud, a unique yeshivah-based online program, which incorporates learning all Kodesh subjects, from Kriah up to learning Gemara, Rishonim, and Shulchan Aruch. He also conducts evaluations, remediation, and training, and consults with school principals to improve students’ underdeveloped skills.
“Unlocking the Legacy: Insights from My Journey with my Rebbe, HaRav Mattisyahu Chaim Salomon זצ״ל ” – Soon to be published.
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This is not the conversation I was expecting when I clicked. Instead of AI it should have said AD