Newly-seated Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor-Greene has filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden on his first full day in office.
The text of the articles are not yet available, but Taylor-Greene said they accuse Biden of abusing his power when he was vice president by allowing his son, Hunter, to serve on the board of a Ukrainian energy company.
“President Joe Biden is unfit to hold the office of the presidency,” Taylor-Greene said. His pattern of abuse of power as President Obama’s Vice President is lengthy and disturbing. President Biden has demonstrated that he will do whatever it takes to bail out his son, Hunter, and line his family’s pockets with cash from corrupt foreign energy companies.”
The move follows through on a promise made by the representative to file articles of impeachment against Biden on his first day of office, which she made following former President Trump’s second impeachment in the House just days before leaving office.
Please give the man a chance!
This guy is nuts should be removed immediately together with this Kamila before he destroy the country
Why should we? They didn’t give Trump a chance! Not for one day in four years did they give him a break
The right keep on confusing the issues, creating false equivalencies.
Congress did give Trump a chance, they did not file for impeachment until he did something egregious. The editorials in the media are not the same thing as the actual politicians.
This woman is absolutely obnoxious, and her voters should remember this. She isn’t in office to help people, she isn’t looking to help her constituents, she is looking to grandstand and get herself in the news.
they didnt file for impeachment right away because they didnt know how easy it was but they said there was colusion right away and then they said the next thing so what you said was false and trump never did anything agrigious and they really found these stuff before but only now they can actually press them
The democrats discussed impeaching Trump before he was elected, before his inauguration and after his inauguration. In June, 2017, the first resolution of impeachment was circulated. On July 12, 2017, when Trump was LESS THAN SIX MONTHS IN OFFICE, and there was no proof of any wrongdoing (phony Russia investigation just getting started) an actual resolution of impeachment was actually offered in Congress.
They gave Trump no quarter and they should receive no quarter. In addition, there is actual proof of Biden’s crimes.
Leave him alone they just mad that trump lose & its funny when they he’s unfit while trump was mentally ill & racist
Don’t do it! I am more afraid of Kamala Harris being President.
Wow the things people worry about..Why we are in a pandemic it should be about learning how to wear a mask and stay 6 feet distance from others and don’t hold large gatherings people others at risk
The Democrats will remove Biden two years and one day from Wednesday so that VP amalaK will be able to serve for 4+4+2 years, not just 4+4 years, if Biden would be removed now. Moving for impeachment now will advise the Dems that that conservatives will from now on play by the rules that the Dems put in place in 2016.
BTW, look at the number of Anti-Semites being brought into the new administration.
The Vice President’s name is Kamala Harris. Please name the anti-Semites in the Biden’s administration. Are you obfuscated about Charlottesville & the Capitol building ? There were anti-Semites at both.
What a loser.
These are not the people who will be helping their constituency. They are just show dogs. ridiculous.
We need to contemplate on Hashem’s powerful message with the recent unbelievable world events.
YES! The right move. The left should feel the same ludicrous behavior they dished out on Trump. This is looonngg coming for Biden. He was not fit to be president. That video with him saying he withheld a billion dollars to oust a Ukranian prosecutor named Viktor Shokin in March 2016 (a prosecutor that just happened to investigate Bursima in 2014 for money laundering, a company which his son Hunter was profiting from in an advisory capacity) is a perfect illustration of Biden’s corruption and deceit and “quid pro quo” mentality toward using government funds for leverage. Since when does the USA start to fiddle with and nix prosecutors of different countries as preconditions for dispensing financial aid! Bogus move.
Really? Wasn’t it Trump who withheld military aid unless Biden was investigated AGAIN for Trumps own personal reasons even though the case had laid dormant due to lack of evidence? This was found illegal by many government agencies because it didn’t have congressional approval. Isn’t it true that withholding aid was ok’d by Congress whereas Biden was just the messenger? Not only was the USA looking to oust Shokin, but many other countries were as well due to his corruption and lack of prosecutions. Soboliev was looking for Shokins ouster and almost had it PRIOR to anything you are referencing above. Also lets talk about Trump suggesting that he was going to hold back future disaster aid to PA because of Wolf’s restrictions in response to the covid virus. How about Trump threatening no covid aid to sanctuary cities? These are American lives he was putting in danger because he didn’t like the policies/comments of the states leaders. In MI and NV he threatened to withhold disaster aid because they sent out mail in ballots for the 2020 election. Trump said he would hold back aid for WA because he didn’t like the governor. Now tell me who really needed to be removed from office a long time ago. BTW, still waiting for Giuliani’s smoking gun/slam dunk evidence against the Bidens he claimed to have had over a year ago. Finally if you don’t believe that any country offering aid has provisions attached to it then you my friend are naive.
Every word of your post is false, including “and” and “the”.
BTW, that juice you’re drinking isn’t just Kool-Aid.
The Im-PEACH-MINT flavoured Air Freshener smell just got stronger in the White House as the smell of Wintergreen Arthritis rub just got stronger in the White House as it’s resident is now an even older one with even dryer and less flexible joints.
I believe every all Congress and Senate representatives should be fired for not doing there job!!!!
People are dying left and right,people are loosing their jobs, business are closing, and this is what we are busy with, impeachment of Trump and Biden.
How about getting to work on the people’s business, like getting the vaccine to the people that want them, working on a stimulus deal????
What a shame!!!
Can the adult in the room please come forward? Impeachment is just distracting everyone from what’s important.
phil murphy actually is doing something about the virus maybe joe biden should ask him for some concrete ideas like funding testing centers and a large scale vaccine drive while helping children grow up normal when adults are coping with all this
Relax. Be patient. Hashem is in control.
C’mon man gimme a break.
Im trying to figure out what the community of Lakewood votes Repubs? Jackson, Brick, Toms River, there repubs and cant stand you but you support the party? Too funny!! They dont want you to build, they close down park if you go there, and they sue you! Please let me know if a democrat has ever sued you about land laws? Please explain the frame of thought?
I have no idea why Lakewood is full of faithful Republicans. They want to cut all these social programs that Lakewood thrives on like Medicare Medicaid food stamps housing assistance etc. Everyone should be faithful Democrats!
Maybe Orthodox Jews are increasingly voting Republican because they recognize that fighting the evil of the Democrat Party is more important than taking the money they dish out. Hashem will provide but not if we sacrifice Torah values for the sake of a few shekels.