JUST IN: [PHOTO] There has just been an armed robbery near Coventry Square. Sources say a black male reportedly pulled a handgun at a woman in the area of Princeton and Kennedy demanding cash. He then fled the scene with the woman’s pocketbook. Police swarmed the area and moments later pulled over a vehicle matching the description of the suspect’s vehicle. The vehicle’s occupants however did not match the description given by the victim, and the suspects were released.
The armed suspect, described as a black male with short curly hair, remains at large at this time. TLS-00/ TLS-89/TLS-CCP
Its time for community patrols. Also, if Coventry can institute some kind of background check and eliminate some of the troublesome elements, things like this might just disappear.
Not an illegal ? Now how could that be?
The sad thing about these armed criminals is they have the advantage because my LEGALLY owned weapons I cannot possess out of my residence Which makes it an unfair game the criminal robs and plunders while I the law obeyer has to be scared and hope I don’t get targeted.. that said if any of these unfortunate criminals enters my residence with the intention of robbing me………. he better bring an army!
The police are in the office as we speak, thanks to wisdom of the board of directors the armed black male was caught on surveillance cameras. The person was driving in vehicle how do you do a background check on someone that may be looking for victim.
Lcsw has 5-7 guys out every night on patrol
what else is new in lakewood. If it’s not one thing it’s always something else. stop building, move everyone out and we can have a nice quiet town
If we had listened to Avi Solomon’s call for “Every Jew to own a 22” this might not have happened.
now #6 wht an often thing to think and even more to say and have it publish.
a .22 wouldn’t do you any good since you can’t carry it, and it probably wouldn’t stop anythig larger than a groundhog in it’s tracks.
keep your .22! i’m goin with .45 auto. whats left wont be standing for long.
Let’s play the scenario out if the victim had pulled a weapon. Instead of being out some $$’s, there’s a good possibility he would be dead.
If we don’t book these guys on small crimes such as stealing driving with at a license and others than they are always will stay here in lakewood because they can get away witj so much more than othjer towns
I think I saw that guy – there are several hundred fitting that description roaming the streets day and night in Lakewood. I’ll bet he was a non-Jew!
This is what happens when the police department is short 40 officers, or 80 if you go by the national average for population.
The occupants of this vehicle did not match the suspects and yes they were brutally beaten.
I dont want to see more community patrols we need to hire more cops, there the ones who are properly trained
#10 shame on you, I believe you need to spend some time praying! I’m saddened by your ignorant comment as it screams that you hate everyone that’s not Jewish! What happened to this victim is awful, but YOU are not god, we have enough hatred in the world, let’s live and let live!!!!!!! peace!!!!!!!!!!!! And equality
welcome to L A K E W O O D
To “a Angry Woman”:
What constitutes “brutally beaten” by you?? Huh? Anytime it involves an African-American you guys gotta mix in”brutality”? I don’t believe a Lakewood officer would “brutally beat” a SUSPECT. Stop trying to stir up trouble.