Are You and Your Kids Eating Plastic? Study Finds Almost 80% Are | Aharon Bendavid

Dutch scientists found tiny plastic particles in human blood for the first time in almost 80% of the people tested.

The study was funded by the Dutch National Organisation for Health Research and Development and Common Seas and published in Environment International.

The Dutch scientists analyzed 22 blood samples from anonymous donors, and 17 out of 22 (77%) came back with “quantifiable” microplastics in their blood.

The microplastics measured less than 5mm, (0.19685 inches) which were likely to have been inhaled or ingested before being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Seventeen out of the 22 blood samples donated voluntarily and anonymously came back with some traces of plastic in them. Eleven of them contained PET plastic, which is what is commonly used in drink bottles. Other plastics found in the samples were polystyrene and polyethylene, used for food packaging and plastic bags.

Dick Vethaak, an ecotoxigologist in Amsterdam, stated that these alarming results indicated the need for further, broader, and deeper research, saying:

“Our study is the first indication that we have polymer particles in our blood – it’s a breakthrough result. But we have to extend the research and increase the sample sizes, the number of polymers assessed, etc.” Professor Vethaak also said that “It is certainly reasonable to be concerned,” mentioning that the “particles are there and are transported throughout the body.”

“We also know in general that babies and young children are more vulnerable to chemical and particle exposure. That worries me a lot,” he continued, also citing a similar study, in which stool samples from babies showed as much as an order of magnitude higher levels of these plastics than in adults.

Vethaak said that subsequent studies need to focus on what negative effects these plastics may be having on us:

“The big question is what is happening in our body? Are the particles retained in the body? Are they transported to certain organs, such as getting past the blood-brain barrier? And are these levels sufficiently high to trigger disease? We urgently need to fund further research so we can find out.”


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  1. I once asked a cashier at a restaurant if they accept plastic.
    He told me that they not only accept plastic, but they actually make food “that has plastic inside!”

  2. Plastics will turn into “endocrine disruptors” messing up hormones, fertility, and the like. With Pesach coming up, we should eat on regular plates and not soups and meals on plastic plates. It all adds up!

  3. 5mm? That could block any blood vessel, causing death. That’s also far from micro-anything, being readily visible with unaided eye.
    Verify your basic information, before posting. After that, independently assess if that information actually makes sense, because this doesn’t.

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