Since launching here on TLS, nearly 1,000 people from Lakewood and internationally have downloaded the Lakewood Daf Yomi App on their phones and tablets.
Besides for those attending the Daf Shiur in person, there are hundreds listening daily via the app, online and via the live phone call-in line, the Shiur said.
Here’s what’s new in the updated release:
APPLE (Download here)
What’s New in Version 1.1.0
This version of the app adds a few new features and enhancements:
• Download for offline listening
• Share shiurim by tapping on the button in the mini-player and selecting it from the menu.
• New clear daf images from
• Hashtags (topics wishing the daf and Reid delivered), maggid shiur, and item name show in the playback view.
• Daf images are now cached, so each image only downloads once.
• Support for Handoff, Seamless App Links, and some incidental support for iOS Spotlight search.
• Improved the “My Stuff” screen to show download and favorite status of any shiur that you’ve downloaded or marked as your favorite.
ANDROID (Download here)
– Changed daf images to
-Share shiurim by tapping on the button.
– Ability to share a shiur
– Improvements for future updates
ABOUT: An energy infused Daf Yomi Shuir. Packed with a flavor of lumdos, halacha lamesah, machshava, hashkafa, general yedios, and the exclusive #TheRestOfTheStory related to the sugya, delivered in 45 minutes. LIVE, ONLINE, APP, Live-PHONE, TWITTER & EMAIL.
Sign up to email for updates and list of shiurim and hashtags/topics
What a big sechus!! Keep up the good work.