An Investigator’s View: FBI Raid on Trump Is a Major Backfire

By Ron Benvenisti. I view the FBI raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, with much interest and a few observations based on my real-life experience as a Special Investigator in NYC.

Trump formally announced his estate “is currently under siege, raided, and occupied. After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries.”

“They even broke into my safe!” he wrote. “What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democratic National Committee? Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”

How about the judge who signed the affidavit? Bruce Reinhardt. The same judge that basically left Jeffrey Epstein skate from child-trafficking charges with a slap on the wrist.

Let’s step back to June 3rd when just three FBI agents came to his Mar-a-Lago compound. Trump personally greeted them as they came to pick up a number of documents. As in any normal situation, when anybody is subject to a subpoena, they generally comply with the subpoena and do not challenge it. In this case, Trump voluntarily showed the agents the storage room where the documents were. Trump also claims that the agents advised him to secure the room with a lock, which he did. We know this because during the raid on Monday, a couple of the 40 or so agents broke the lock open and cracked a safe.

Now, having obtained several subpoenas on a single person in my former life with the NYC Department of Investigation in Manhattan South NYPD headquarters, I have never seen any basis to produce a subsequent warrant, ostensibly for the same evidence based upon probable cause that required 40 agents on a raid. Even a raid involving the coordination of multiple agencies. Even, for example, serving a warrant in conjunction with multiple agencies like the Postmaster General, the IRS or another law enforcement agency. Typically, the one serving the subpoena or warrant was the lead investigator, accompanied by just enough staff to remove the evidence (which in my case were computers, network devices, hard-drives, USB drives, CDs and the like with a few armed police officers in SWAT gear, just in case. Maybe 5 but certainly not 40. And certainly not lit up like an amusement park ride. It was always a “silent approach” with unmarked cars.

It is highly unusual that a second subpoena was necessary at a later date unless it was thought that additional evidence would be found, beyond what would be revealed during discovery in court.

Additionally the FBI was late starting up it’s “C-47” cybercrime unit, while the NYPD Computer Information Technology Unit was already established as the first in the nation.

At this point let me inject that the NYPD and the FBI had no love lost between them. The FBI would often be conducting their own investigation of the same cases we were pursuing them, unbeknownst to us, and oftentimes showed up before our raid date. Sirens were blowing and lights were flashing. Needless to say this would allow the target to be tipped off and remove or destroy evidence. We often suspected that an FBI “informant” or “mole” tipped them off. This happened more than once.

Illustration: NYC FBI Headquarters off limits to NYPD.

Speaking at CPAC on Saturday to a standing-room-only crowd in a large Dallas hotel ballroom, Trump related how a friend recently remarked to him that he was “the most persecuted person in modern history.” The audience gave up a rousing applause. I mean these were the MAGA crowd that expressed 99% approval of his term in the White House.

Trump’s complaints about alleged irregularities in the 2020 election during the five weeks from Election Day to the vote certification by the states in December was portrayed as a sore loser candidate by the media. The Democrat’s got in a frenzy screaming that “there was no evidence of massive voter fraud” when Trump cited voter laws being changed prior to the election in New Jersey or changed in the wee hours of the night, with truckloads of mail-in ballots being unloaded on pallets. But the security cameras were running there and at the ballot boxes. Was anyone even thinking about that? A great example is that’s akin to removing a traffic light and then pulling over a driver for not obeying traffic laws.

In the 2020 election, Trump got 74 million votes which was 11 million more than he got in 2016. Democrats were shocked that even their supposedly loyal Black men and Hispanics voted for him. These new voters have been very vocal with regards to how fast the country has deteriorated under Biden and the politicized tools of FBI and DOJ went after him tooth and nail. The discredited Mueller “Russiagate” investigation wasting millions of dollars. Two failed impeachments. Schiff’s faked Ukrainian phone call. Tax violations. Investigating everyone in his family and inner circle. No matter what they tried they came up with nothing having to do directly with Trump.

You recall, Michael Avenatti was a media darling going after Trump in a trumped up scandal only to be crying in court after being sentenced for even worse crimes than he accused Trump of. And the media ran with all of it, even saying he was a viable Presidential candidate, only to backtrack with their tails between their legs once again.

We all watched the biased media pundits, socialist academics, tech giants (even Mark Zuckerberg spending millions on ballot boxes), and the usual gang of poll polishers, Dem and Rino insiders, and the perverts in the entertainment industry attacking Trump all with Election Day 2020 in mind. For nearly two years, it was “Trump colluded with the Russians” with front pages filled with pictures of a stalking Herman Munster like Mueller with FBI Director James Comey attached to his coat-tails rather than investigating Hunter Biden. Even though all those charges against Trump were found baseless at a cost of tens of mullions of dollars of taxpayer money, not to mention the FBI investigators (read instigators) who started the whole FISA gate story, based on a bogus dossier, which is what it was, a fairy tale for which agents Clinesmith, Strock, Page, et. al., were covering up like a tent in a tornado.

How about the impeaching of Trump twice, accusing him of corruption when he called the Ukrainian leader about requesting them to investigate Hunter Biden. The phone call whose transcript was blatantly altered by Adam Schiff and read aloud on the Senate floor. That was also a losing proposition. Finally, after three years of the FBI having “no idea” where Hunter’s laptop was, we now know from examining it, that many of Trump’s “China” accusations were true. The politicized and clearly already proven biased FBI desperately hid support for Trump’s accusations weeks before the election.

And then there’s the fact that more Americans died from Covid in 2021, under Biden, yet they blamed Trump who was duped by Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx in the development and release of the “effective vaccines.” Even Birx backtracked, admitting she was wrong, to the point of it being a hoax but Biden just expanded it to the max and he’s still at it with Fauci whispering in his ear while the CDC and FDA are just well-paid fronts for the Big-Pharma lobbies.

And now we have the calculated witch hunt by the J6 committee, center stage. That’s what surely led to the current Trump fiasco. 18 months after he left office, in an unprecedented, first time in American history, there’s a frothing kangaroo court to levy criminal charges against an ex-President for incitement of an insurrection.

So where does the political persecution of Trump stop, and when? Clearly Democrats and RINOs are afraid of the Phoenix like rise of a President Trump. They are in hot pursuit to stop Trump from running in 2024 by any means necessary, or unnecessary and as has been proven time and time again to fail.

A recent Golden/TIPP Poll shows overall 47 percent distrust of the FBI, and 46 percent trust the Bureau. The trust factor divides along party and ideological lines. Most Democrats (57%) and liberals (58%) trust the FBI. But most Republicans (55%) and conservatives (58%) lack trust though Trump appointed the current Director. A majority of Independents (53%) lack trust. Moderates are divided – 48% trust and 44% lack trust.

Nearly three-quarters of Republicans (72%) said they disagreed with the Mar-a-Lago raid, while only 6% of Democratic voters said the same.

69% of Republican respondents said they believed the search was politically motivated – a claim only 11% of Democrats agreed with. While 81% of Democrats said the search appeared to be related to evidence of a crime, only 16% of GOP voters said the same.

The same survey found that 39% of voters — including 71% of Republicans — thought Trump should run for president again two years from now, while just 28% — including 53% of Democrats — said the same of Biden.

In summary, nearly three-quarters of Republicans (72%) said they disagreed with the Mar-a-Lago raid, while only 6% of Democratic voters said the same.

Apparently, the effect of the Mar-a-Lago raid is having the same results as all the other attacks Trump has had to endure, since before he was even elected. His poll numbers keep going up, and Bidens keep tanking to his lowest levels ever.

This is another back-fire boomerang as it all points to an FBI, DOJ, and a Senate J6 sub-committee imploding with rallying cries of the media maniacs, asinine academics, big-tech moguls and the ever deep-state entrenched Democrats scrambling for any shred of credibility.

The commentary in this article reflects the opinions of the author.


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    • You sound like Mr. Perfect. Is that going to make you into a happy person? If you see him in a jumpsuit.
      Do you honestly believe, that if he will go to jail, then all of a sudden you will have Shalom Bayis, good health, lots of money and success. Is it really Mr. Trump who is stopping you from receiving all these goodies????

  1. The sheer amount of nonsense in this post does not allow for a simple reply.
    This raid was necessary because there was probable cause that Trump had committed another crime.
    But his believers, with zero evidence, have decided that the raid was wrong, which means automatically that any evidence that it turns up must be false/faked/distorted. That kind of backward thinking has them ‘proving’ the Russia collusion investigation was a hoax, because it proved that Russia interfered, proved that some people colluded, but failed to provide conclusive evidence that could win in a court of law.

    It is this kind of circular thinking that shouldn’t happen to people who have learned Tosfos in their lives, people who understand logic. Yet sadly, even some Bnei Torah have fallen into the foolishness called Trump.
    A real Chilul Hashem and a Bizayon Hatorah.

    • To quote Joe Biden, addressing members of the US Military, get off your “dog-faced pony soldier” high horse. Stay away from the mainstream-media and get your learning together, your attitude lacks the basic qualities of Derech Eretz so apparently you haven’t really studied what you have obviously not learned anything from what you are allegedly “learning”. There is so much more you need to add to your seder and you obviously have no clue what that might be. Just trying to help.

  2. Great post! Thank you for your service. Love the “tent in a tornado” and “backfire boomerang”. And the FBI called it “Crossfire Hurricane” which turned into a circular firing squad! Like my mother used to say, “Stupid, he’s not!” (Trump).

  3. To Mr. Bobby and Mr. Cap,
    People who support Trump are supporting morals, principals and economic stability. The people who are fighting Trump want abomination, control and disposal of life as they please. This is a fight of the evil trying to win over the world before G-d shows his full glory to the whole world with the coming of Moshiach.
    Anyone who trusts in particular politician is a fool. They should place their trust in Hashem. Anyone who hates a politician is also a fool. The hearts of kings are placed in the hands of Hashem. However, if a politician speaks about removing crime and supporting people who believe in Hashem, then we support them. If a politician supports criminals and immorality, then we should fight them! So if you are one of those who support the bad politicians the we will fight you too! It doesn’t matter if you look religious or need kiruv. Your minds have been polluted and warped by the world at large. You need to do some serious soul searching before you open your mouths again. The nonsense that you posted has clearly showed how far and deep the influence of the world has impacted the most innocent of us.

    • Putting it into a better perspective:
      When Mr. Trump became the president, his first big (fight) challenge was to remove the entire Obama Care or most of it. I think that was top priority to get rid of Obama Care.
      Former president Obama signed into law same gender marriage. My big question is how come former president Trump did not try to fight and kill that disgusting new American law?
      If he would have fought and overturned that rotten new law, many people today would be much healthier and they won’t need doctors and we could have saved millions of dollars similar to the Obama Care.

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