KOA has notified TLS that they have removed their Hechsher from the Dunkin Donuts on River Avenue in Lakewood.
“As of yesterday, Tuesday, March 29, the Dunkin Donuts on River Avenue is no longer under the supervision of the KOA Kosher Supervision,” Rabbi Isaacson said.
As of today, the shop has a new Hechsher, received from National Kosher Supervision, under Rabbi Mehlman.
Was there a reason it was removed? I used to go there for my coffees… hope nothing was wrong…
Anyone familiar with this hechshar?
why was it switched?
Yes. I’ve seen that hechsher in Brooklyn
You can still go there for your coffee. It’s the other stuff that’s in question.
He is a rov on the upper west side of manhattan and he give hechsherim in manhattan and in brooklyn it’s an acceptable hecheher.
i was always makpid to go to a frum place and now i know why.
The title of this post seams deceiving. it should say that it’s now under NKS (a reliable hechsher that supervises the rest of the locations in Manhattan and Brooklyn)
it is the same hechsher on the DD stores in brooklyn.
The NKS does not mandate a mashgiach temmidi and allows restaurants under its supervision to stay open on Shabbos
#6 and #8- it’s irresponsible & misleading to unequivocally comment that this hechsher is ‘acceptable’ & ‘reliable’. You can state the facts, but let each reader decide for themselves whether its reliable..