Agudath Israel released the following statement this afternoon: Events currently unfolding in Eretz Yisroel demand our tefillos on behalf of all our fellow Jews who are privileged to live on holy soil. Our rabbinic leadership has asked us to convey that simple, stark but urgent message to all of our constituents and supporters, indeed to all caring Jews.
As has been the practice in many shuls over past years, in response to the call of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, the recitation of Tehillim (Psalms) 83, 130 and 142 after Shacharis, followed by the tefila of Acheinu, is recommended. Indeed, our every prayer should include entreaties on behalf of our fellow Jews in Eretz Yisroel.
May our tefillos be received in mercy by Hakodosh Boroch Hu, and help usher in days of peace and security. [TLS]
Amen. It’s really scary what’s going on there. We need Rachmei Shamayim.
Mashiach is around the corner!! We need to improve and be better people so he will want to open tge doors for us!!! Everyone: help bring mashiach NOW!!!
The picture you have up is an old pic. It’s of reb shlomo zakheim zt”l
He was a vey special person who had a heart of gold.
Please sign up to daven/ do mitzvos as a zechus for an Israeli soldier at:
#3 Thats actully Eli Rowe not Shlomo Z who was Eli closest friend!! I know the person who took the images…..