Jim Keady, a Democrat who unsuccessfully ran locally in the 30th District last year, will announce his run for New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District.
“Tomorrow, May 5th, I am kicking off my campaign to represent New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District,” Keady said in a press release.
“I am running for Congress because the people in DC just don’t get it: from our struggles to get our Sandy families back home, to the environmental threats to Barnegat Bay and the Pinelands, to the red tape that bogs down small business owners, to the heroin epidemic that is wreaking havoc with families in our communities – they aren’t fighting for us. Let’s stand up together and fight for ourselves. Are you ready to join me?”
Keady is the man who Governor Christie told “sit down and shut up”.
“I know you remember when Governor Christie told me to “sit down and shut up” when I was standing up for Sandy families. I will never sit down and shut up,” Keady said. “I always stand up for what I believe in and fight to win for the people of NJ. Whether that’s standing up for Sandy families, fighting for living wages for factory workers or turning the tavern my family has owned in the district for 34 years back into a thriving local watering hole – I get the job done.”
Proof read….”New Hersey”