After 452 Shiurim, Breakfast ‘N Learn Completes Mesechta Bava Metziah; Hilchos Pesach Begins Monday

After 452 Shiurim, the Breakfast ‘N Learn Shiur given by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen, has completed Mesechtes Bava Metziah, organizers say. Tomorrow, Monday at 7:00 AM, the Rav will begin giving a Shiur on Hilchos Pesach.

The Shiur – in the main Bais Medrash of Ateres Yeshaya, is for 35 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Mussar.

“It seems to be the consensus that it is this 5 minutes of mussar that has motivated these 40-50 attendees to continue attending the Shiur for 5½ years,” says one of the organizers. “The participants are not from one specific crowd, but rather Rabbi Cohen seems to have attracted Shiur members from the entire gamut of Lakewood society. There are chassidim, yeshivalite, balabatim, chosheva retirees and bachurim.”

The Shiur is followed by Shachris at 7:40 AM, Monday – Thursday only.

For information on the shiur call 732-610-1200.

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  1. Thank you for the info. i was there this morning just to see ” Shiur members from the entire gamut of Lakewood society. There are chassidim, yeshivalite, balabatim, chosheva retirees and bachurim.”
    its true. i was kvelling!

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