A Thanksgiving Thought, Written In Honor Of A Bus Driver

By Aaron Joseph. Thanksgiving is a unique Holiday, it is. An entire national, regardless of ethnicity, religion, race or background, one and all are giving thanks on the same day. This is truly a reflection of the American creed and spirit, One Nation Under God, indivisible.

This one day a year when each American is truly unified in proclaiming a recognition that thanks is due to a higher, greater, more sublime existence. We who are thankful for He who makes it all possible, He who yet sustains the American dream.

It is true, there are those who give thanks each day of the week, perhaps many a time, yet it is no small feat for an entire sector of the globe to unify at the given moment. Such a phenomenon is reason in and of itself to celebrate such a Holiday.

There are the naysayers who prefer denial to all that is good, or perhaps the unison with which this recognition is proclaimed. Yet those few and far between disparate pagans, loyal to their own cause of denying, allow us to continue to recognize with all the more cognizant enthusiasm this blessed land of amber waves of grain.

Can there be a more wholesome moment on the American calendar other than when families unite to share. And celebrate. And recognize good. And proclaim Thanksgiving.

This day my friends, Thanksgiving, and that for which it stands, is in the opinion of this author, a core root to the boldness with which this nation can solemnly intone with confidence, God Bless America, and yet expect His blessing. It is this day my friends that allows us to voice in song, Land That I Love, and be deserving of a home sweet home.

May it be His Will that we merit to a continuation of America, America, God Shed His Grace On Thee and crown thy good in brotherhood from sea to shining sea.

My personal Thanksgiving this Holiday is to a bus driver. She who facilitates the daily transportation of children, and who is the first each day in the process which allows for the development of the next generation’s awareness, recognition and knowledge of all that is good. Without you and what you do, we here, and around the world would face perpetual gridlock and bottleneck, not just of the road, but of the mind. Thank you for all you do.

Thank You, God Bless America, land that I love.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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  1. I was shocked and saddened when I went into a local kosher store today and asked where the Turkeys were. The manager told me they stopped selling them people people in the past had complained it was “goyish”.

  2. i would like to thank the boe and the parents for the pumkin pie it was thoughtful of all of you. i will be one of the bus drivers out there today. and to all the other bus drivers who out there today hae a happy thanksgiving. i know alot arent happy about working today but lets just think of what today means. as far as watching football on tv, not everyone watches football, i hate football. i also work sundays so i only get one day off. have a happy thanksgiving everyone

  3. To #4. If you came out to LEARN about the rest of our great country, you would know that Thanksgiving has nothing to do with football for most of us. It’s a time to give thanks and spend the day with our families. Anyway, happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  4. This whole saga is getting out of control….
    Now the bus driver is the next
    Godal of lakewood

    By the way my kids bus never showed…..I ended up driving anyways
    Lol…happy thanksgiving to you all..

  5. Where do certain people get the idea that Thanksgiving is about “drinking beer and watching football”? I keep reading these comments on 2 sites. I find these comments very offensive. Thanksgiving has NOTHING to do with drinking beer and watching football”. It is about giving thanks to all that God has given us. If some people choose to watch TV or have a few drinks, it is their business, but it does not reflect the rest of America. Don’t stereotype Americans.

  6. I agree with #12 100%. I happen to be Jewish going to have a family day with relatives. Half the family is Orthodox, half not-but we all understand the meaning of Thanksgiving. By the way they take the kids out of school for the day.

  7. THANKYOU for shuttling our children each and everyday.for making sure they get there safely for putting up with sometimes noisy behavior. And for having a small part in our child’s education. We salute you today.

  8. Well done and may G-d bless you Aaron Joseph for your article. You captured the spirit of Thanksgiving. Sometimes we, as Americans forget how fortunate we are to live in this land of freedom and opportunity.

    G-d has blessed this Nation and it’s people, because America is the greatest society the world has ever witnessed. We give! We do not take! The world is better because we are here.

    Again, thank you Aaron Joseph. Your words expressed the reasons that we thank G-d for blessing this Nation.

  9. Funny how I dont hear the bus drivers of Lakewood standing up for their brethren who work in NBA arenas. In a pure money grab the league has scheduled five games on December 25th, opening day of their strike shortened season (the league normally plays a double header on this day). where are the op-eds against the NBA and how they are taking advantage of those who work in the arenas, the local cops who will be put on duty around the arenas to facilitate traffic and crowd control, the extra mass transit that will be in affect in these cities that have a game. Merry x-Mas to all you arena employees and dont try to get out of showing up. Dinner with the family? Mass with the family? Whats more important than ensuring that an NBA game is played. Where is the APP now?

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