G-d makes beautiful people so never limit your chance to experience the wonderful gift of friendship you can find with the Orthodox and Jewish community. If you choose to pre-judge people based on their faith, color, or gender then you are also pre-judging the creativity and magnificence of the Creator.
You ever look up at the sky and were suddenly caught off guard by the beauty of an amazing sunset. Then a few days go by, and yet there is another color-filled painted sky even more breathtaking than the one before. What about seeing the trees of Autumn, full of an array of colors, where almost every tree is amazingly beautiful. Each individual leaf is different, yet together, they provide a picturesque masterpiece that fills your senses and delights your heart.
G-d is the author of creation and is even more amazing when it comes to people. The Orthodox community is growing in Ocean County, and within this group, you can find great neighbors who can become your friends, and together, you can share lots of love, laughter and joy.
Truly search your heart, and you have to know deep down that G-d is creative in the design of people. Not one person is the same as the other. If you pre-judge a person, that is actually prejudice. Prejudice can become a value that becomes part of your character. This prejudice can apply to any ethnic group ,or gender, or age, or even people with perceived disabilities. There can be beauty, brilliance, and a level of contribution made by any person, to your life, our community and to the plans of G-d. You also never know who can become your new best friend. So many of us have good friends from different ethnic groups who we respect, who have brighten our days, and they become like brothers, sisters and family. Never limit the capabilities of G-d in his awesome design of people and potential connection with maybe your new best friend.
Your very nature is to love. However, your heart could be hurting by some circumstance, something you were taught, and yet it can all turn around. If for any reason you don’t like the Orthodox or Jewish people, or even Black or Mexican people, healing is needed for your inner being, maybe your family, or congregation. Love comes from G-d and we are truly to love each other.
During the upcoming holiday of Purim the Orthodox and Jewish community eat Hamentaschen. It is an amazing cookie and in the center you can get apricot, raspberry and the list goes on. There is another Orthodox holiday where they eat cheesecake. Neighbors and friends give me tons of cheesecake and my buddy who drives for public works get at least a whole one each year.
The Orthodox faith brings community challenges. Every faith group has actions that causes us to compromise as we live together. My Jewish bosses gave me off every Good Friday or Christian holidays and never stop me from doing any community activity when it came to my faith. Walking on the Sabbath causes the need for synagogues to be close by and the need for separation in a private school setting is a community dynamic for Orthodox and Christian schools.
Those issues that are causing challenges and even conflict can be addressed and creative solutions should be implemented, over and over, until progress is sought. Personally I do not think realtors looking to purchase have to knock, however, just send a letter asking the family if they are looking to acquire additional finances at this time of their life. If they would like to engage in this discussion they will reach out to the interested party. There are many foreclosures in our county and people looking for help.
It is imperative that community leaders, and especially politicians create venues so residents can try to figure out new societal challenges. The goal is to find ways we can respect and walk together in peace, potentially harmony and friendship. Our Creator provides us the very air we breathe, and so many benefits life has to offer, and we are simply commanded to learn how to love your neighbor, and all the rest will be taken by the Creator of the Universe. As you open your heart maybe one day you will enjoy the delightful taste of Hamentaschen and the company of good friends!
Colin seems like a guy I would be friends with. From his letter I get the feeling that he is an easy going spiritual person. Hope to meet him one of these days and I hope more people of both sides of this debacle can borrow is personality.
God bless you colin.
I know Colin for over 20 years. He is a genuine mentch and he the letter he wrote is the way he lives his life.
I know Colin personally. He is a real mentsch! What an amazing letter written by an amazing person.
This is a masterpiece!!! A must -read for all! It screams love, understanding and above all PEACE!!! That’s what we all need right now!
A mussar haskell for us. Goes both ways
Excellent words!!
Words of brotherhood and Inclusion, which are not often seen here.
Well done sir….