[COMMUNICATED] Moishe has lived a horror-filled life, but a generous benefactor has joined the fundraising efforts and has promised to match all donations, dollar for dollar, that are made from 12:00 PM today until 12:00 PM tomorrow!
Moishe was only five when death came knocking at his door. His happy, busy, fun-filled home in which he and his 10 siblings lived was transformed into a place of tragedy upon the passing of his father, a beloved, respected Talmud Chacham. Heartbroken and devastated by her loss, Moishe’s mother was unable to care for Moishe and his siblings and they were dispersed, each to the home of a family member or friend. Moishe’s familiar world, and all the people contained in it, were suddenly gone, magnifying and multiplying his loss. With no mother, no father, and no siblings to share his grief, Moishe grew up, day by day. Surviving.
Years passed and Moishe’s life took on some semblance of rhythm and normalcy. But once again, his world was destined to be shaken and shattered. Moishe was diagnosed with cancer, aggressive, powerful and debilitating in form. Moishe’s life hung by a thread, as he valiantly fought and struggled for his last breath on earth. Miraculously, Moishe recovered! On the brink of the gates to the other world, a miracle brought him back to this one, and he healed and recovered.
But the horror of Moishe’s world had not yet completed its rounds of destruction. Shortly after Moishe’s recovery, his younger brother fell ill and soon passed away. The family, in shock and wracked with deep pain over their new loss, sat Shiva together, reunited in their misery.
Moishe has endured one horrific tragedy after another. Medicals bills and financial burdens continue to plague him. But this year, a blessing occurred and Moishe became engaged!! And with this wonderful blessing comes a new chance for Moishe: a chance to have a home of his own, a place where he will be content and thrive. A chance to rebuild and triumph over tragedy. And a chance to end the horror.
To help Moishe get married, free of his painful past and financial debts, caring friends and relatives have organized a fundraiser. But time is short! Moishe’s wedding is in just a few days, on February 15th, 2016.
In response to the urgency, a generous benefactor has joined forces and pledged to match all donations made within the next 24 hours, from 12:00 PM today until 12:00 PM tomorrow. To join and help end the horror, go to www.EndTheHorror.net.
Generous support and assistance will escort Moshe away from the path of pain and debt and onward to a beautiful, happy life.