HUD, CDBG (Community Development Block Grants), and the Housing and Rehabilitation program (Rehabco) have received their yearly federal financial allotment, about $300,000, to rehab approximately 20-25 housing units for income qualified and eligible Lakewood home owners to improve the health and safety, and correct code violations of their units.
Qualified Lakewood home owners who are income are eligible can download an application at or call Rehabco, the company that administers the program for Lakewood, at 732-477-7750.
To be eligible for 2015, the applicant must be the owner of the property and the property must be the applicant’s principal place of residence. Property taxes must be current. In order to receive assistance from the program, a family must earn less than $46,100 for a family of one; $52,650 for a family of two; $59,250 for a family of three; $65,800 for a family of four; $71,100 for a family of five; $76,350 for a family of six; $81,600 for a family of seven; and $86,900 for a family of eight.
Township Committeeman Ray Coles, a liaison to the Housing Authority and the CDBG program, said, “This is an extremely valuable program. It allows people who are currently in their homes facing financial problems, to maintain their homes and stay in them.”
According to HUD guidelines, the housing rehabilitation program provides grants (deferred loans) for the rehabilitation and improvement of low and moderate-income single family and rental housing in Lakewood Township. Grants (deferred loans) cover 100 percent of the cost of rehabilitation, not to exceed a maximum of $20,000. In cases of health, safety and code violations, however, this maximum can be exceeded at the discretion of program officials.
An applicant preference will be given to 25 percent of all applicants slated for rehabilitation in one program year (based on the availability of funds) who are 65 years of age or older; and 25 percent of all applicants with very low income as set for in HUD Section 8 Income Guidelines and COAH Regional Income Limits, whichever is lower.