בשורה טובה ומשמחת

A new phone line has been set up for,בחורים  yungeleit, and all ,לומדי תורה to call and hear שיעורים about  עניני חג הפסח and the סוגיות ofפסחים ערבי , as well as דברי חיזוק about the current difficult מצב.

The דברי חיזוק   and שיעורים will be given by גדולי ראשי ישיבה and מגידי שיעור.

All live shiurim can be heard at 646.726.9977

To hear the שיעורים and shmuessin that have already been recorded as well as the upcoming schedule call:

732.363.6713  or 718.766.4572 or  732-301-4043 (Chayeinu)



Every night there will be a live שיעור on the סוגיות of ערבי פסחים given by גדולי ראשי ישיבה and מגידי שיעור.

The number for the live שיעורים is:


All throughout the day you can call 

732.363.6713  Or 718.766.4572

to hear a שיעור הכנה for this שיעור, as well as the מראה מקומות for the שיעור itself.


Sunday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at:

8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Mendel Slomovitz

9:15 –Shiur from Harav Aryeh Sherwinter

10:00 Shiur from Harav Tzvi Berkowitz 


Monday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at:

8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Shimon Alster

9:15 –Shiur from Harav Michel Handelsman

9:45 Practical Hilchos Pesach from Harav Shaul Katz

10:15 Shiur Harav Avrohom Bromberg


Tuesday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at:

8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Uren Reich

9:15 –Shiur from Harav Shmuel Felder

10:15 Shiur from Harav Shlomo Halioua


Wednesday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at:

8:45 – Divrei Chizuk and Shiur from Harav Lipa Geldwerth

9:45 Shiur from Harav Simcha Bunim Paller


Thursday night’s – live shmues and shiur will be given at:

8:45 – Divrei Chizuk from Harav Chaim Mendel Brodsky

9:15 –Shiur from Harav Elya Chaim Swerdloff



There is also a daily תהילים conference for תנוקות של בית רבן at 6:45 and daily תהילים at 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. – 646.726.9977


Past Shiurim and shmuessin, schedule and ma’areh mikomos can be heard at 732-363-6713 and 718-766-4572

For all questions and ideas please email [email protected]
More Shiurim will added throughout the week.

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