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P.G Is Joined By Two More
The Ocean County Board of Taxation has gone from a one-man show to one of the biggest such panels in New Jersey in a...
ASSAULT In Chestnut
JUST IN-ASSAULT: EMS is currently transporting an assault victim from Anthony Court-(Chestnut area), which occurred moments ago as a result of a prior fight...
Confirmed Swine Flu Cases In O.C Skyrockets
The number of laboratory-confirmed cases of swine flu in Ocean County skyrocketed to 33, county health officials announced yesterday. Most have recovered from the...
New Traffic Pattern At Chambers Bridge Road And Route 70 Beginning Tomorrow
The planned changes to the traffic pattern at Chambers Bridge Road and Route 70 will take effect Wednesday afternoon, police said. The changes, which...
Gardening? Get Free Mulch And Compost!
PSST! — Want to know a secret? You don't have to buy wood chip mulch or compost. You can get it for free, at...
Lakewood Bank Robber Admits Multiple Robberies In Court
A Brick man admitted yesterday to committing a string of weekly bank robberies in Ocean, Monmouth and Middlesex counties that netted thousands of dollars...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
BREAKING NEWS Major MVA On New Hampshire
Photos & Videos below BREAKING NEWS A TLS is reporter is currently on the scene of a major MVA on New Hampshire with 2...
90 Mile Chase For $10 Of Gas-Not Quite Worth It
As The Lakewood Scoop reported here on Motsoei Shabbos, the State Police were led on a high speed chase which passed Lakewood, with speeds...
Public Works Workers Holding Pesach Protest
After 15 months without a contract, public works employees have begun holding "Passover protests" to bring public attention to stalled negotiations with the township...
Lakewood Bank Robbery Suspect Appears In Court
The suspect who robbed the Investors Savings Bank on Feb 19 reported here on the TLS, appeared in court on Friday and entered a...
Lakewood-BREAKING NEWS Bank Robbed
TLS has just received word about an armed robbery at the Investors Savings Bank on Route 70. Police have just arrived on location but...