Z’manim For 17 Taamuz

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Why does it say ?מהיכא תיתי on the bottom?
And if i hold Motzi shabbos at 50 min after shkia????
why dont you put 72 minutes rabunu taams zman which r ahron kotler said there are 19 rishonim like. Bmg & satmer waits 72 minutes to eat why do you put made up zmanim from baale habatim which people in lakewood dont keep everyone in lakewood keeps at minumoum 42 minutes where in the world are you getting such kulas r techensky never paskened lakewood only eretsz yisroel how are you being machshil people to be makil with made up zmanim r moshe said the bare minumoum is 42 minutes where did you get 41 minutes
To # 1-click on the mehechei teizei- vetimtzoh nachas!
Fast ends 9:02