By K.L. Lag Ba’Omer in Lakewood has always been an exciting and fun event. The celebration hosted by Minyaan Shelanu is especially unique. As in previous years, The Minyaan’s bonfire gives the Lakewood community, many of whom have no affiliation with the Minyaan, the chance to join us at a delectable BBQ as well as the town’s largest bonfire. There is also live music, dancing, carnival rides and tons of nosh.
The Minyaan’s Lag Ba’Omer event will be held at Pine Park. It is a fantastic location for adults and children alike to participate in the festivities. As always, the most anticipated moment of the night is the grand raffle drawing where one lucky winner gets to walk away with a whopping $10,000!
The host of this event is the Minyan Shelanu which year round, helps well over 500 local children, teenagers, adults and families by providing an array of supportive and rehabilitative services. Most importantly, the Minyan is a ‘judgment free zone’ where everybody without exception is accepted and appreciated (for who they are). Through the tremendous efforts of the Minyaan’s volunteers and mentors, hearts are touched and lives are changed. Often times, others have failed to reach out and engage these precious members of our community. However, the nurturing and accepting atmosphere of the Minyaan often prevails in even the most extreme cases.
The Minyaan is led by Rav Chaim Y. Abadi Shlit”a. Rav Abadi is known for his all encompassing heart and unyielding commitment to the Lakewood community’s youth. In that spirit he has impacted countless lives by creating a much needed oasis from the pressures and expectations of the outside world. The Minyan boasts a Bais Medresh frequented by well-respected Rabbeim, Mechanchim and kolel yungerleit. The upstairs features a fully stocked game room, allowing those in the Minyaan to kick back and relax in the overall framework of a frum atmosphere. This blend of yiddishkeit and gashmius has resulted in a second home for hundreds of talmidim throughout the years. The daily minyanim, shiurim, and especially the night seder program, are a source of ruchnius and warmth for all. The defining standard for the Minyaan is the warmth and acceptance that it exudes. While there are many things in life that can be purchased or acquired, genuine warmth and love is a true rarity to come upon.
Every day the Minyan changes lives!
The Minyan’s list of activities and events is forever expanding. Our newest programs include Mixed Martial Arts, a basketball league and a Thursday night pool tournament, providing the boys with exercise, relaxation, discipline, and structure. These programs were integrated into the already extensive list of activities.
The most recent program, designed for those long Shabbos afternoons, is nicknamed “Shabbat Shelanu” and provides the boys with a warm Shabbos day seuda, activities, warmth and inspiration, and a “kosher” place to be during the long afternoon. “Shabbat Shelanu” is crucial in helping the boys keep Shabbos. As one mentor relates, “One of my boys told me that he wants to keep Shabbos every week, but it’s a tremendous struggle. The long afternoons are depressing and difficult. He told me that every week that Minyan has a Shabbos program, he keeps Shabbos.”
The Minyaan’s programs cost a tremendous amount of money, and it cannot be overstated how crucial these programs are to the participants and their families. Because of the Minyaan’s Shabbos program, struggling teenagers are keeping Shabbos. Because of these programs, night-seder, and various incentives, teenagers are returning to yiddishkeit in droves. It’s making the life-or-death difference to boys at risk.
It’s the achrayus of a community to take care of its own, and these are OUR community’s children, not some faraway cause that doesn’t affect us all. The Minyaan’s annual Lag Ba’omer event is your opportunity to get involved and help make a difference right here in our town. Our collective future as a people is dependent on what each of us as an individual does to protect the sanctity of our youth. Please come and join us this Lag B’Omer to show your support while also having a great time.
This year’s Lag Ba’Omer BBQ and bonfire will once again be held at Pine Park. It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your children and have a blast while supporting a very worthy cause. Besides for the exciting atmosphere and attractions, the highlight of the event is the grand raffle drawing where one lucky winner walks away with a whopping $10,000!
Click here to enter this year’s raffle. For as little as $54, you can win $10,000.
Click here to bid on the Zechus Hadlakah.
Note: At Minyaan Shelanu the highest standards of behavior and tzinus are expected and the Lag Ba’Omer event will reflect this ideal. To that end, teenage girls may not attend this event unless accompanied by a parent. Thank you in advance for respecting this request.
What an amazing organization!!!
Do they deal with girls? or only boys?
Of course they deal with girls!
They have a totally separate program staffed by women who mentor these girls. They have classes and activities, including challah baking, etc.
Many girls have been directed back into the school system and a regular frum life thru the amazing work of Minyan Shelanu Girls Program, know as “HQ”
Some girls are even coming back as mentors to the younger ones.
Wow! Ebay is over $800!!!!!!!