In yet another incident over Shabbos, a Yungerman walking home from Shul Friday night was pepper sprayed in what appears to be a random attack, neighbors tell TLS.
The man was walking home from Shul in the area of Emanel Drive and Warren Avenue, when two black man jumped out of a vehicle, ran over to the Yunegrman and pepper sprayed him in his face. They then ran off, without saying anything, neighbors say.
The suspects were reportedly seen getting into a waiting vehicle down the block.
A neighbor who witnessed the incident phoned police, and a report was taken.
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Is it time yet for our mayor to actively pursue Concealed Carry Permits for certain yechidim in high crime areas? Imagine the deterrent of just a press conference where the mayor and Chief of Police announce that they are approving 100 individuals for conceal carry? The criminals would definitely have something to think about before they go on their pepper spray outings.
The township does not have that authority. It would have to be the state.
Concealed carry is governed by state statute. It would require legislative action to either relax the tough concealed carry law or to grant local authority to issue CC permits under specific circumstances
That’s why I’m requesting the mayor “pursue” that option.
Go to the Legislature and lobby hard for it as an extremely public and effective deterrent. Jewish lives matter!
#5..only Jewish lives matter? Real nice.