Your entire year depends on what you do tonight! DON’T MISS THIS EVENT [Tonight’s Livestream Begins Soon!]


Why settle for a good year when you can have a great year?

For 15 Years, Avinu Malkeinu has been inspiring tens of thousands of women and girls around the world during the Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. This year’s expanded, exciting week-long event will not just inspire you but will leave your spirituality IGNITED.

Hear Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, Rabbi Yossi Bensoussan, and Rabbi Ari Bensoussan discuss the difficult topic of forgiveness, and be inspired and moved by Mrs. Jackie Bitton and Rabbanit Yemimah Mizrachi. Rabbi Paysach Krohn shares true stories of the heroes of 2020 which will leave you spellbound, while Rav Gav on forgiveness: Is it always required? Shimi Adar joins Charlene Aminoff as she shares her incredible story of drama and growth – and be inspired to serve Hashem His way! Charlie Harary prepares us for Yom Kippur and so much more.

Of course, Eli Schwebel’s live and moving melodies lift us up giving a whole new dimension and soul to the program.

And, all this is available for just $36! That’s over 12 hours of content that will change your life. There is no better investment you can make in your future. This will not only change your year but will change your life.

Join. Watch. And be ignited.

Reserve now @

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