Message from The Lakewood Vaad: Attention parents of children entering primary: In order to accommodate all Lakewood children into our Mosdos, we respectfully request all those who have children who have not yet been accepted to primary, to please call the Lakewood Vaad Hotline at 732-961-1161. Please leave a message with your name, phone number and the name of your child. We will Iy’h compile a list and work with the Askonim and Mosdos to resolve this matter.
Thank you,
The Lakewood Vaad.
To all parants that have not been able to place there child in a school yet have no fare the buffs will be giving out applications for those who want to start young, for the last names beginning in a-h call motzei shabbos and the rest call sunday after 10:30
I called the vaad 3 years ago and they NEVER called back !!!! It only happened AFTER I called menashe F.hatzadik and he took care of it
The vaad is worth nothing !!They do not help .Its true they dont return calls ,you have to chase them in their business just to get an answer of "oh there is really no room in the school you want" and pretty much your'e on your own to start the begging and pleading till school starts or even later than that. lots of luck to you all!!!!!!!!
the vaad had to make some noise cuz the LAC is getting all the attention
Here we go again.
I thought the tulmelt is only in BMG.
"there is no room in the school you want"
They never took upon themselves to get someone intovthe school that they want, nor should they. If people wouldn't feel that socially they NEED to send their children to a certain school it would save most of the problem. Since many doam even those who don't pay the price.
At least the vaad makes it sound like they will do something unlike the rest of the town that just sit around and say how bad the problem is let them get up and set up a hotline
theres a big seat in gan eden waiting for reb Menashe
I had the same problem 2 yrs ago. The vaad did nothing!!!!!! R' Menashe F. Was the only one who cared and didn't sleep till a school took my child! He didn't even know me!!!!! He is a busy person without an extra minute to spare but yet he put his business aside and worked to help me-a total stranger!!! I am forever thankful to this tzadik!!!
What happen to supply vs demand?
Its time to open a few more schools. (Boys & girls)
People need jobs, (the pay may not be so good, but its a job [and lots of 'koovid']) kids need schools, parents need preace of mind and the "as'koonim" need more time to accomplish 'real' goals.
'Kinas sofrim' will do a lot of good for the existing schools.
So lets go….
B L let some new kids in.