Your Chance to Win Amazing Prizes

Feeling lucky?

Been wanting a trip to Israel?

What about a $2500 shopping spree to Lakewood’s finest clothing stores?

Maybe a $3000 Sary wig has been calling your wife’s name.

How about a beautiful Hamelech megillah just in time for Purim?

YIGDAL’s Chinese auction has these, and many more awesome prizes just waiting for a winner like you.

Not many people know about this small powerhouse of a Yeshiva out in Detroit, Michigan.

So the chances of winning are high.

Buy a ticket now, and get into the early bird raffle for another chance at $500.

This is your chance to win something you’ve set your heart on, while supporting The Ladies Auxiliary of Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Detroit.

Hit the link to win. Enter Today.

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