[COMMUNICATED] Estee Kornblit was used to getting funny looks.
As she walked her disabled brothers on their way to school on the busy streets of Eretz Yisroel, strangers would glance at her with a sentiment that she was all too familiar with: Pity. In truth Estee loved her brothers to pieces, but due to their various medical issues, they simply looked different.
Estee knew all too well that “different” was something that not everyone understood.
Aside from her brothers Estee’s mother was handicapped as well. Her father Dov did not earn enough to support the family as a cleaner. She walked around in tattered clothing that was given from local volunteers. Simply put, the young girl was seen as a nebuch case.
Unfortunately, this made Estee an easy target for bullies. Several girls in her class had plenty of material to torment her with, and torment they did. Every morning, she woke up terrified to go to school and face the incessant remarks and abuse.
It’s an experience that can either make you or break you. Incredibly, with the help of some caring individuals, Estee survived her rough childhood and today she has come out on the other side as a happier and stronger person. She is currently engaged to a young man with excellent middos who shares her values. She is ready to start fresh.
The only issue that stands in the way is that Estee’s family’s finances are still lacking. An emergency fund has been set up to help this young woman get married and buy the basic things she needs to start her new life. Click here to give a direct donation towards her Hachnosas Kallah fund and help this young woman start the new chapter of hope that she’s worked so hard to get.