You just never know

When his friend called him up last night and asked him drive two people from Lakewood to Brooklyn, Yaakov* agreed and he got into his car to pick them up.

It was dark when he arrived at their pickup location, so all Yaakov was able to make out was that they were two Chassidish-looking men – one older one and one younger one. He put their luggage in the trunk, and they were on their way.

A few minutes into the ride, the passengers asked if he could turn on some music.

“I saw two Chassidish men, so I figured they’d probably enjoy some nice ‘Varemer’ music, so I turned on a Motty Steinmetz CD,” Yaakov relayed to TLS. During the way, Yaakov commented how he really enjoys Steinmetz’s heartwarming music.

The music was playing for most of the way.

When they arrived at the Avenue Plaza, Yaakov got out of his car to unload their luggage from the vehicle, and helped the two men to the door of the hotel.

As one of the men were about to walk in, he turns to Yaakov and says, “do you know who I am?”

“No,” he answered.

“I’m Motty Steinmetz – it’s nice to meet you!”


And the singer again introduced himself.

Yaakov could not believe it.

“I was blown away – I could not believe what just happened!” Yaakov said.

Steinmetz went on to say that he constantly has people coming over to him telling him how much they enjoy his album, but this is the first time he really took it as a compliment, as his driver had no clue it was the artist himself he was talking to.

“The fact that I just decided to play his music without realizing he was sitting in my back seat – it was just crazy!”


*(Name changed upon request.)

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  1. Motty Steinmetz is the best.
    He sings with hartz and is popular and relevant despite not becoming corrupted by the contemporary noise that calls itself music.
    Keep it up, Motty.

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