Yom Tov message and Sukkah info from the Toms River Police Department
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Now if only Jackson would come to their senses and do the same as an overture…
Wow what a difference between Toms River and Jackson. Makes me reconsider…..
Hey Jackson! Look at that!!
Protect all your citizens
jackson should be embarrassed the way they act.. Toms River takes everything so classy and here to work with everyone! We must thank the township of Toms River so much!!
@1,2,3 Its a two way street.
What did the jews as a community do to Jackson that they feel so hurt? I want real cases not just allegations…
Nice that they’re trying but having two succahs won’t help if you’re trying to fit one large family. Can’t divide the family into two meals.
With a little seichel, you can probably figure out how to put a partial wall between the 2 structures to accommodate both the code, and your family’s simchas Yom Tov…
you can have the 2 sukkos touching each other with the wall facing each other being an extra large doorway
kudos to toms river for being nice . humane and welcoming
Toms River – Stronger Together
To comment #1
That’s the point…Jackson is hoping to make us “reconsider” but let’s all keep strong!!!!
hey jackson township, i think its your turn to look us in the eye before rosh hashana and say “we are sorry” and “we will use this year to welcome us lakewooders” but i doubt they’ll do that. instead they’ll reinforce their sukkah ban and ban entry to their lake due to environmental reasons. For shame!!!
Why is everyone bashing Jackson? I have been living here for a year and get along extremely well with my neighbors! The police as well have been super friendly and welcoming. Yes there are some issues at the township level but please don’t paint the whole Jackson with one brush. It is insulting to my fellow neighbors that have been so warm and welcoming. Your negative comments do not help and so I kindly ask that you refrain from commenting about Jackson especially if you don’t live here. Wishing all a K’sivah V’chasima Tovah!
Why is everyone bashing Jackson? I have been living here for a year and get along extremely well with my neighbors! The police as well have been super friendly and welcoming. Yes there are some issues at the township level but please don’t paint the whole Jackson with one brush. It is insulting to my fellow neighbors that have been so warm and welcoming. Your negative comments do not help and so I kindly ask that you refrain from commenting about Jackson especially if you don’t live here. Wishing all a K’sivah V’chasima Tovah! Thanks!
THANK YOU TOMS RIVER PD!!!! THANK YOU! Good gestures and deeds do not go unrecognized.
Thank you.
Happy Holiday Yidden:)
jackson township will soon realize we are not the enemy…
Can you have 2 succahs with the dividng wall being an Eiruv?
Happy resident of Toms River here, reporting that the “Sukka Letter” is a representative sample of the positive attitude I have experienced in all dealings with the Township. I believer there is an understanding that many of the Orthodox Jewish people who moved here are very eager to be good neighbors, maintain their properties nicely, preserve the beauty and serenity of the neighborhoods and are not interested AT ALL in seeing overdevelopment, traffic jams, crowded streets and overtaxed infrastructure and services. For my part, I would oppose any attempt to change zoning laws that would increase density or otherwise diminish the lovely quality of life we have found here.
I am very grateful to the Toms River Police Department and other departments and officials who are really working with their new neighbors for a peaceful, pleasant town.