Yoel Gold Presents a Brand New Film: Living With Rebbi

Rav Dovid Trenk zt”l had a special way of looking at people, believing in every individual with an unshakeable faith. It was with that conviction, accompanied by unbridled love and care, that he influenced anyone fortunate enough to enter his orbit.

And no one saw this more than his devoted wife, Rebbetzin Leah Trenk.  

Rebbetzin Trenk watched for decades as her husband built people, infusing them with confidence and hope. She observed in amazement as he noticed the good in anyone and everyone, highlighting it and talking about it. His signature characteristic was ayin tovah. He had the ultimate good eye.  

In Living With Rebbi, a brand new film presented by Yoel Gold, Rebbetzin Trenk takes us behind the scenes, giving us an inside look at her relationship with her husband, revealing how his eyes would sparkle when he’d meet a talmid, the unshakeable bond between them evident in every encounter.  

This film is bursting with joy, positivity, and belief in every neshamah. 

We see how, in this generation, there lived a malach, an angel in the guise of a man, who was persistent about the greatness he saw in people that they actually started to believe it in themselves.  

The film will have us smiling and crying simultaneously as we are moved to our very core by a man who always sought to teach and influence the ones who society had shunned, the boys who no one else wanted. The more a talmid tested Rabbi Trenk, the more Rabbi Trenk doubled down on the love shown to that boy. “I am the luckiest rebbi,” he would say, “because I have the best boys.” 

And he genuinely believed it.  

Talmidim, to this day, “compete” for who their rebbi loved the most. They all claim to have been his favorite. And everyone has a story to prove it. 

Because it was never about him.  

It was about the message.  

It was about the neshamah. 

It was about his belief in the human spirit.  

Watching this riveting new film, you will laugh, you will cry, and you will be uplifted and inspired. Masterfully and meticulously produced in time for his third yahrtzeit, you will get to see, through the eyes of his wife, the soul of the man who changed the way we look at others – and ourselves.  

[CLICK HERE to buy the bestselling Rabbi Trenk biography, Just Love Them, that took the world by storm!] 

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  1. What an unbelievably beautiful tribute to such an awesome person! And thank you for sharing this wonderful video. We miss rabbi Trenk z”tzl very much! Rebbetzin Trenk is an inspiration too!

  2. This is a must watch for every Rebby every principal and every parent!!!!

    I had tears in my eyes watching it.

    To the Lakewood scoop. Can you please pin this video on the tip of your site, so it doesn’t go away in one day, and more people will be able to watch it.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. While totally understandable for a person like Rabbi Trenk, expecting Rebbeim to be like Rabbi Trenk and literally take punches from a talmid like he did, is a little over the top and unreasonable.

    • No one says that REbbeim are expected to take punches. This is what Rabbi Dovid Trenk Zatzal did. An inspiring story that should not be censored.

  4. my chavrusah, who Rabbi Trenk was close with, was once in a fight with someone that rabbi Trenk also knew. in middle of second seder the door of the bais medrish opens and in walks Reb Dovid. he walks over to my chavrusah he takes his hands in his hands and just stands there not saying a word. After two minutes which felt like 2 hours, he just let go of his hands and left. not a word. message received, shalom restored.

  5. Of course it is impossible for me to forget Rav Trenk ZTVK’L who was a Rebby in Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush when I was in High School in the 1970’s. and took care of all of us at night Seder with his amazing Simcha and Shtarkeit for learning

  6. @Chaim
    If a Rebbie is willing to take a student that has severe anger issues then he hast to expect the kid that has anger issues to have outbreaks.

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