By: Frimet Blum. Achashveirosh’s glorious capital is just a whisper of memory in Hamadan, Iran; once Shushan Habirah. Though the city boasts ancient ruins dating from the days of Darius (Daryavesh), Western tourists are unwelcome. They are subjected to constant surveillance by the Iranian secret police, who trail their every move. There is one lone Jewish resident. But as home of the gravesite of Mordechai and Esther, the city retains its lure as a place of prayer and salvation.
Only the bravest risk the trip. But this Purim, a minyan of Jews will visit the kevarim. They will be emissaries of Mesamche Lev, and will pray on behalf of Mesamche Lev’s donors. Those who take advantage of this rare opportunity will bring great power to their Purim. They will have their tefillos ascend to shamayim on the holiest of days; from the kevarim of Mordechai and Esther, who brought about a complete turnaround in the fate of the Jewish people. There is no question that this tefillah alone will bring about salvations. But there is more.
The zechus of the tefillos will be coupled by one of the mitzvos established by Mordechai Hatzaddik, matanos l’evyonim. Mesamche Lev will use the token $36 fee per name to fund its legendary Purim program. The organization distributes large checks to hundreds of widows both in Eretz Yisroel and in the United States. The matanos l’evyonim checks bring joy and relief to families that have long forgotten the exhilaration of Purim. They also allow donors not only to fulfill the halachic requirements of Purim, but also to experience the yeshuos wrought through the mitzvah and through the tefillos at the kevarim of Mordechai and Esther.
To take advantage of this opportunity, call Mesamche Lev at 718-506-1400; or visit
Unfortunately, it is almost certain that Hamadan is not the ancient city of Shushan, but rather the city if Shush (ancient city of Susa) is. This is confirmed by the excavation of an ancient Persian palace there. The kever of Daniel is located there.
See Rabbi Yehuda Landy’s book: Purim and the Persian Empire
I heard that a big segula on Purim is to learn Meseches Megillah, daven b’kavana, and visit yesomim v’almonos. I’m not sure of the source of this segulah,but it’s worked for Klal Yisroel for thousand of years.
#1- they claim that they r going 2 go 2 the kevarim themself- so how is that possible if the kevarim r not in hamadan, as u say?
If it is really so dangerous, what is the heter to go there? There is certainly no mitzva to daven there?
Hashem is everywhere, no need to go to a Kever to Daven to Hashem.
Kolev Davened at the kevorim of the avos (Moras hamachpela) stop making light of tefillah at kivrei Tzadikkim. There is a mekor for it.