On Motzei Shabbos, as Yidden around the world gazed at the rising flame of their Havdalah candles, flames of another sort were rising and spreading rapidly. Flames that were lit by dousing a paroches in gasoline. Flames that were ignited at the hands of hoodlums who watched with glee as the fire came to life, threatening to consume an entire Bais Medrash. (See photos in extended article). No it was not Berlin, Germany, 1938. It was Lakewood, New Jersey, 2010. After breaking glass, destroying sifrei kodesh, and defacing the building with the most hideous and painful symbols; these vandals set the Bais Medrash of a Mesivta in Lakewood aflame, and left devastation in its wake. Despite their savage attempts at disrupting Limud Torah, THEY DID NOT WIN! The bochurim continue to learn and shtieg in the face of their best efforts.
Still, tremendous bitul Torah is incurred as the Bocurim, left without a Bais Medrash, move from one temporary location to another. The staggering expenses added to an already strained financial situation is too great for the Yeshiva to bear. Please make your donation payable to:
$1800 sponsors 1 month of learning
$1000 sponsors 2 weeks of learning
$500 sponsors 1 week of learning
$100 sponsors 1 day of learning
$72 sponsors 2 Sedorim
$36 sponsors 1 Seder
$18 sponsors 1 hour of learning
Did the yeshiva have insurance? If yes, did the policy cover theft/vandalism?