Yeshivat Keter Torah Lag Ba’omer Trip

PHOTOS of Yeshivat Keter Torah’s field trip to Pine Park today, where the Talmidim enjoyed sports and a Barbecue ahead of Lag Ba’omer. In order to beat the ‘traffic’, the Yeshivah decided to take the children to the park today, instead of on Lag Ba’omer, when dozens of other schools tend to do so.

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  1. In order to avoid the Friday rush, I’m going to shop on Thursday afternoon and bench licht and start resting Thursday night. I can’t wait to play basketball on motzei Friday!

  2. Everyone says that this is a great yeshiva. The boys look so happy and b’achdus, despite the fact that they had to be off from English for a day.
    I hope they have tremendous hatzlocha.

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