Yeshivas in Lakewood have told Bachruim to stay from the forests during the hunting season.
Bachurim told TLS they were advised to stay out of the forest after a hunter reportedly told a Bachur he almost mistook him for a moving deer in the forest.
The New Jersey hunting season runs between September and January.
This is not Navardok Elul, why are bachurem in the forest
to get to the other side
Scary, Boucherim should be learning.
Hmm interesting. Conspiracy theory anyone?
People chill!!! A lot of Yeshivas are near forests like on cross st. So they takr walks during bain hasdorim. Why are people so busy looking for the negative? Be Happy there are bucharim the learn Torah and are holding up the world!!!
Thank you “smartypants” for setting people straight.
It’s a pity that some people sift out the negative. Look at the positive or just for what it is; like the other comment said, they take walks during their off time.
If somebody doesn’t understand why those who learn need a “break” those people obviously haven’t ever really learned properly!
Are you not regeler people, yes we are supposed to learn and we do learn, and we learn alot. We sometimes need a break FIY.
-a lkwd boucher
It was Yeshiva’s in cross and Massachusetts I spoke to the hunters saw where they were…. and to all those other people with the crazy comments bochurim are slowed to have a brake and they were walking through to cut through a path (shortcut) idk abt you but bochurim don’t have to learn 24/7 there’s something called brakes you were also a bochur
Just sayin your boys can really get shot out there. I’m not gonna hold my fire just cuz they can’t keep themselves out of the woods.
Forests are crazy scary this time of yr. A woman was killed last week walking her dogs, when a hunter mistook her for a dear and shot her. No Jokes.
Hunter – you sound like a real nice guy. Salt of the earth. But hold my fire because a human might get hurt or killed? No way.
Hunting should not be allowed in cities near residential areas are period.
Our Bachurim should be in a safe place! On the side of a road dressed in black, at night, at a busy intersection, half way in the street, with their finger out asking for a ride.
Something doesn’t make sense how could they hunt in a resedential area?! It gotta be illegal!
Hunters, if you aren’t sure if what your looking at is a deer or a human being hold your FIRE!