Yeshiva Ohavei Torah announced the launch of its second annual online fundraising campaign, entitled Synergy 2.0.
Each year after Pesach, Ohavei finds itself in a budget gap, and calls upon parents, past parents, alumni, and friends of the Yeshiva, to pitch in and help raise funds to help the Yeshiva get through the summer and into the fall.
Rabbi Chaim Pechter, the Menahel of Ohavei, says, “The boys are doing their part; they’re learning an extra 10 hours each this week, on top of their already rigorous learning commitments, to earn the sponsorships of friends and family.”
Rabbi Yaakov Tesser, Ohavei’s Executive Director, says, “Last year, baruch Hashem, we raised $682,000 with this campaign, and we are hoping to top that this year.”
With skyrocketing prices of food and gas, Ohavei has felt the pinch this year. The Yeshiva provides daily, door-to-door transportation for boys from Queens, Monsey, Passaic, and Highland Park, in addition to housing students who dorm from Lakewood, Philadelphia, and beyond.
Shmuel Hoffman of Hoffman Productions produced the video for Ohavei’s Synergy campaign. In it, parents and rebbeim discuss the importance of the Yeshiva providing full support for its students, in ways that go beyond learning and academics.
“Rabbi Pechter… there is no resource he would hold back to help any boy,” says Rabbi Naftoli Tescher, Sgan Menahel at Ohavei, in the video.
“If he knows a talmid needs help, he’ll bend backwards. I personally know certain talmidim that he’s bought clothing for, talmidim that he’s paid for therapy for,” Rabbi Ephraim Neumann, the Alternate Track Rebbe at Ohavei is filmed saying.
Parent Moshe Lazarus of Monsey, NY, chimes in, “And talmidim that he takes into his house to live with his family!”
Students are asking for sponsorships of $250 per hour of learning, but spokespeople for the Yeshiva are asking for donations of any amount.
“It all adds up, and we are so grateful for the participation of the community. We all want to show the boys how much their shteiging means to us,” says Rabbi Tesser.
Ohavei’s Synergy campaign will run through Sunday, May 22nd, 2022.
Click here to see the video and visit the campaign.
For more information on Yeshiva Ohavei Torah, visit www.ohaveitorah.org.