Yeshiva Gedola of Bayonne Journal Ad Deadline Today; Dinner Feb 28 in Lakewood

yg[COMMUNICATED] Next Sunday, the Yeshiva Gedolah will be holding its 25th annual dinner for the first time in Lakewood. The journal ad deadline is today.

The event will take place in Tiferes Bais Yaakov Simcha Hall on Oak Street, on February 28, at 7pm.

Rabbi and Mrs. Chananya Hess will be the evening’s Guests of Honor. Mr. and Mrs Tzvi (Heshy) Nussbaum of Toronto will be honored as grand parents of the year.

Mr.and Mrs Ovadia Levine, Rabbi and Mrs. Yechezkel Margulies, Rabbi and Mrs. Nachum Dov Magid and Mr. and Mrs. Mordechai Rothman will be honored as the Alumni of the year.

To place an ad in the journal please call 201-339-7187 Ex 10, or fax it to 201-339-8339, or email it to [email protected].


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