Yehuda Green Performs For Hundreds At Ohr Sameach Mentor’s Mission

ohr sameach kumzitzPHOTOS & VIDEO [Video 1, Video 2: Hundreds packed the Lake Terrace Chupah room last night for an uplifting experience by Ohr Sameach’s Mentor’s Mission. The event, which was attended by hundreds of students as well as many local residents, featured a lecture by renowed speaker and actor Rebbee Hill and other speakers.

Following the lectures, the crowd enjoyed a heartwarming Kumzitz by world renowned singer and composer Yehuda Green.

Photos and Video by MOFOTO for TLS.


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  1. What R’ Danny has done the last few years w/ his Mentors Mission project is nothing short of extraordinary. I was there last night, the achdus was unreal. Yeshiva boys & baleibatim dancing w/ boys woth long hair & jeans as if they were brothers. It was electric. Keep up the great work, Danny, Hatzlochah Rabbah !! Dudi B.

  2. The band was really gr8. Besides for yehuda’s guys, Y Zeines, R’ Erps & Meyer on flute were fantastic. The dancing was so energetic is felt magical. The warmth between the mikarvim & the mikuravim was palpable. And, yes, it was good to see veteran kiruv professional R’ Aron Gruman there, conversing w/ veteran askan R’ Tzvi Rosen. Keep up the great work, R’ Danny !! Tizku L’mitzvos.

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