PHOTOS & VIDEO: Last night, world renowned Yehuda Green gave an inspiring kumzitz for students of the Torah Links program, who came to Lakewood for a week-long fellowship program. The Kumzitz, accompanied by guitar and keyboard, took place at the home of R’ Moshe Klein.
To view a video of the recent Sushi, Spirit and Song Kumzitz with Yehuda Green, click here.
The best kept secret in town is the home of R’ Moshe & Blanka Klein. They host many, many causes throughout the year. Besides for parlor meetings, many out-of-town therapists (ot, pt, speech, behavior etc) set up shop in their house, L’tovas lakewood families, a few x a week. Drive by sometime, notice how many cars are parked on the GRASS.
Yehuda greens songs bring out a gevaldiga hiscaskus. Threr is a. Hisoriyes to the deepness of the neshoma . The peshat of his songs. Is not so pushut its mamash gevaldig. Its mamash mamash gevaldig gevaldig. I hope that yehuda comes more to lakewood every time I hear him sing I get a big hisoriyos
Way to go Torah Links and Reb Moishee Kats
yasher koach to Duvie Kessner for all his work on behalf of acheinu kol bais yisroel