Yanky Kaufman’s Breakthrough Stuttering Program Set To Open 11th Location [VIDEO]

Lakewood resident Yanky Kaufman is a former stutterer, but instead of allowing it to define him, he overcame the challenge and is now changing the lives of hundreds around the globe.

In fact, Yanky himself reached a point where he publicly addressed the Torah Umesorah conference. 

Yanky started off as a one-man show, but the need grew beyond his wildest dreams, and exploded to the point he’s now about to open his 11th location – all thanks to his own challenges in life.

Yanky spoke with TLS exclusively about his challenges which led to his phenomenal growth.

When I used to stutter (for almost 3 decades!) I was keenly aware of the unique challenge of stuttering. I would daven several times a day-for years-for decades to HaShem to help me and all others who stutter.

I never gave up hope that HaShem can help and that He can change everything around at the time only He knows is best. This great challenge – that only someone who stutters can fully understand, propelled me to travel to stuttering specialists around the world but to no avail.

While I was learning in Kollel in Mir Yerushalyim, I was introduced to a bochur who was in a very desperate situation because of his stutter. My deep desire to help him led me to sincere Tefillah which was the impetus for what I feel is my sacred mission: helping others achieve fluency. HaShem put different ideas into my mind to experiment when I met this boy. Within a few days of implementing those techniques, I became stutter free. Now, boruch haShem, eight years later, we have developed these techniques into a solid and methodical program which has helped almost one thousand people.

As success grew, so did our branches. We currently have 10 branches worldwide with 20 hand selected stuttering specialists helping those who are serious about overcoming their stuttering.

I am grateful to have my tefillos answered for myself and so many others.

I vividly remember just a few years ago speaking with someone about my desire to help others and she sarcastically told me when seeing my great passion, ‘so you want to change the world’?! I remember thinking, my focus is on each individual who stutters as that is important enough. But she did put a new idea in my mind that this may come to actually help the stuttering community worldwide.

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  1. Yanky i remember you from the Mir. I’m blown away with excitement every time I see another milestone u reach with ur mission. Ur incredible!!! Hatzlacha. CHANGE THE WORLD!!!

  2. I just get chills watches all these people and what they are going through. And thet great joy seeing them happy able to speak again and get on with their lives.

  3. Wow!! Really unbelievable what R’ Kaufman is doing. I’ve knew R’ Kaufman when he was still stuttering his personal transformation was nothing less than amazing and I’ve personally witnessed how he has used his his method to literally save other people’s lives.

  4. Wow, Im really blown away at how people suffer so much from a stuttering impediment and BH with implementing R’ Yanky method now able to live life with a new freedom and fluency of speech.
    Wishing you much continued success and future success for all current stutterers to join us on the other side!

  5. Yanky, my cousin, is the real deal. A yorei Shamayim, stellar mench, and super kind. I’d strongly recommend anyone struggling with a stutter to reach out to Yanky.

  6. If embarrassment is like death (Retzicha), then eliminating the busha every time they speak is like “giving life” to a person!! Trully amazing.
    May Hashem repay you for the kindness you gave and continue to give to the world!

  7. I have witnessed the transformation a former stutterer who has used Yanky’s method. The next time I saw him he was excited to tell me that he was engaged! He then told me how hard it was to date with a stutter. One can only imagine!
    Kol Hakavod Reb Yanky!

  8. I met Mr. Kaufman many years ago with a family member and I am just continuously amazed at the effectivness of his approach. Kids need to practice like all approaches but the quickness is incredible. Highly recommended!

  9. I tried multiple stuttering therapies for my son before finally discovering Yanky. It’s been two years and my son speaks fluently and with confidence. I truly cannot thank Yanky enough and I highly recommend his program. I’m so happy he’s expanding!

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