TLS has been notified that due to the expected rain Sunday, the Yad Rachel Walkathon will take place at Lake Terrace Hall instead of the planned Pine Park location. Special buses for the event will be running as scheduled. For further Walkathon information, you can contact their hotline at 732-328-4900.
Yad Rachel Walkathon To Take Place At Lake Terrace
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I’m a mother of 3 girls and I just want to now if the person charge nows what he puts the pipple on the block threw with all the girls nocking on the doors at all times Of the day night mabe ther shud be a few more rules on how to Colect also I ask a few girls if thay now what r u collecting for thay all say for the prize I ask who Gibson the prize thay say yad Rochel I ask what is yad Rochel and almost all the girls answer the same thing it’s the Papper that comes in the mail the point is that thay don’t even now what it’s fore
As someone that most probably gave money to about 30 girls for this cause (and in some cases gave generous amounts) if I can suggest that all these wonderful girls instead of walking for hours maybe that they should all say Tehilim together for the recent tragedies in our community. Klal yisroel is in need of rachmei shomayim and I would think that Tehilim said by so many girls could make such a difference. Is anyone in agreement with me?
I’m sure you have girls “cool masmid” and you can easily “bribe” them to spend hours of their time collecting money so they can say tehilim?? Some reason I think not!! Maybe some older ones but younger grades!
This abominable practice, of sending young children who are totally ignorant of the basic rules of social decency to knock (or ring the bell multiple times) on people’s doors, has to stop immediately. It is disgusting and offensive to send young children who don’t (and mostly should’nt at their age) know the value of a dollar, to go and solicit money from others. This is just from a socially ethical standpoint. There is also a halachic issue involved being that children under bar or bas mitzvah are not allowed to be entrusted with tzedaka funds.
We should focus more on training our children to be mentchlich than to get them involved in “tzedakah” that they are involved in for their own prizes and enjoyment.
To ” My 3 cents ”
I actually do have B”H girls, the oldest in second grade and I can honestly say she would much rather say Tehilim on a rainy Sunday then go on a walkathon, not because she doesnt like to have a walk but thanks to the school and her teachers they instill in the girls the importance of saying Tehilim and the importance of davening. So I think my suggestion that on a rainy day it would be far better for these girls to say tehilim still should be taken seriously.
Are you nuts???? This is a FANTASTIC organiazation, hopefully one that you should need to come on to. The walkathon itself is a tremendous outpour of achdus amongst all the elemantry girls. I’d reccomend you drive by the event and see for yourself. As far as the coolecting is concerened, the parents should set the parameters of what what time and where they can collect.
I agree that if children are to be sent out ‘collecting’ – there should be common-sense how-to guidelines. That being said – shouldn’t these complaints be sent to Yad Rochel?
every body chill, these organizations do this cause they need the funds not because they want to bother you. You should never need the organization and if you dont want to give, dont open your door.
To all that state that the girls should say thillem instead of having fun needs to ask Daas Torah. Life is serious and thillem at least 1-3 kipitlach would be appropriate. But to take the fun out of life? Ivdu es hashem BSIMCHA. Not every movement needs to be with heads in the sidur or sefer. Girls getting along with each other from all schools in town to benefit an important cause such as Yad Rochel, I am sure is creating a “Smile” up above. Achdus and Simcha also shake the heavens.
As a matter of fact the over burden and stress of life is a predisposition that causes for many to need Yad Rochel help.
Now I personally must thank Yad Rochel. After birth of one of our children my wife – really WE (the entire family)- needed their services. They helped and took over our house helping every morning getting my kids out and getting us in touch with the best doctors, and therapists. Their support to keep our house running made my wife’s recovery much smoother and faster. Their support for my wife, my family and me was immense. The kids became extremely close to the person who came to our home every day for several months.
IF not for Yad Rochel – Many families would have chas vshamlom fallen apart.
Its a shame that yad Rochel does not have enough funding to do for what they did for me and my family. Yad Rochel was not made to be the free service baby sitting service. It was there to help new mommies pull through the initial return from home and to keep an eye to see who may need their IMA program.
Unfortunately the program for helping new mommies just home was never reciprocated via donations for their efforts and it ultimately had to close shop. The person who helped us had to be let go because of funding
Post partum Depression, OCD and other symptoms affect the entire family. Without a functional mommy the entire family can chas vshalom be destroyed. As a top therapist told us – with a strong support system most patients will recover and do not need hospitalization. The key is support. This includes spouses, family and YAD ROCHEL.
Yad Rochel makes sure that the family is going to have an opportunity to stay together, function and recover in the shortest possible time.
Kids are always collecting for different events, schools, prizes etc. and noone has a problem with it… THis is agreat opportunity to teach your kids knocking skills. Mrs. SHanik sends around ladies to collect for aniyei ircha and noone has a problem. Just because you unfortunately dont understand the serious need for Yad Rachel services and the help they give families to keep them in one piece does not mean you should badmouth the entire thing. Prepare yourself for answering the door often for two weeks out of the year and appreciate the zechus you have for giving tzedaka besimcha every single time… That will help mashiach come too!
#11 is absolutely right. Boruch Hashem, most people have no knowledge or experience with the challenges for which Yad Rachel provides assistance. The inconveniences presented by girls collecting for 2 weeks would otherwise be overlooked.
I would like to add, that I noticed in my daughter’s booklet a note to the girls regarding appropriate etiquette for door-to-door soliciation. I beilieve this is a wonderful chinuch opportunity for parents to teach their children how to knock on someone’s door in general (to visit a friend, borrow an ingredient, etc).
Thank you, Yad Rachel, for all the good work you do, and for a wonderful action packed and “rewarding” day for our girls.
Did you write your comment with your feet ?