Yad Batya Is Easing The Financial Burden of Families When Marrying Off A Kallah

Yad Batya L’Kallah’s mission is to ease the financial burden of families in need when marrying off a Kallah. Providing quality essentials, household items, and a gift certificate for lingerie, ensures that a Kallah can set up her new home with dignity and embark on this milestone in comfort and peace of mind.

All goods are purchased at wholesale prices, maximizing each fundraised dollar’s value. By providing items as opposed to monetary assistance, YBLK also ensures that the money is used specifically towards accomplishing its mission of furnishing a new bride’s home.

With your support, Yad Batya L’Kallah will continue to consider and anticipate the basic needs of Kallahs across the country and Yerushalayim.

Join Us March 5th, 2024 for our 36th Annual Yad Batya L’Kallah Auction 2024 

This year’s auction will give you a chance to win fabulous prizes. But this year we’ve taken winning to a whole NEW LEVEL. Imagine winning for yourself and helping a Kallah when you WIN.

That’s right, EACH prize category ($35, $25, $15, $10) will give a partner prize to a Kallah in Eretz Yisroel.

Prizes include: 

⭐️Trip To Eretz Yisroel

⭐️ $10,000 CASH

⭐️ Dini Wig

 ⭐️Pesach Catered

View The Unique Prizes HERE

Kingsway Jewish Center 

2902 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 

7 P.M. 

Guest Speaker: Mrs. Brenda Katina

Mother of 6 children with special needs

“Everything In Life I Have Learned From My Children”

Be spellbound by her story of Emunah, strength, and a good dose of humor!

Buy Your Tickets TODAY!

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