A local woman who took a CPR course from a class sponsored by TLS, used her knowledge to save her child’s life.
Chaim Kaisman, who gives the courses, tells TLS he received a call from the woman who took the class – here’s what happened.
Her four year old was eating and began to gag. After a few seconds, he turned purple. She picked him up and turned him upside down, then hit him on the back two times. He began to vomit, which got everything out.
“What’s impressive, is that she did this to a four-year-old,” Chaim said. “I always tell people when you’re under pressure your adrenaline makes you a lot stronger than you think you could be.”
He added, “It won’t be the first time that this has happened.”
In response to the incident, Chaim has announced he is doing another free course for women.
The dates are December 9th and 10. The course times will be 8:15 PM to 9:45 PM. Text or call 908-670-1791 for details and to reserve a slot.
When is the next class for men ?