A woman in Lakewood was injured lightly when shrapnel struck her in the face in the Shore Shot shooting range, police say.
The fragment struck the woman near her eye, and she drove herself to the hospital for treatment for a welt, according to police.
It’s unclear if the woman or someone else was shooting at the time of the incident, which happened at Shore Shot. Police did not state whether the woman was wearing proper eye protection at the time.
Many ranges, such as WeShoot in Lakewood, require eye protection before heading onto the range.
Yeh it happens. I got a burn right near my eye from the ejecting shell casing
see the teshuva from the Noda Biyehuda about hunting just for sport.
last I checked, shooting at range targets in self defense training wasn’t an issur, but a chiuv.
My Rav actually said that such a chiyuv is fabricated. Hatzpinu atzmechem. Hayadayim Yedei Esiav.
Does that have anything to do with this accident? Do you even have the slightest hava amina that this was woman was practicing for hunting? That her intention was to kill for sport?
Stam tipshus
He just threw out a random mareh makom. No need to get so upset.
Maybe there’s more to it? Maybe it delves into placing yourself in sakana where there is no immediate reason to do so?
Shmerel why is it random. We all know that the people who go there do it as a sport.
Mr. Me (or Mrs.) the Noda Bigehuda doesn’t say anything about killing. He asks who has time for these things, when you are busy doing Avoidas Hashem.
I think Beged Ish was the cause of this misfortune…
This is just more useless news. Its like writing an article
about a local pedestrian tripping over a curb. $#it happens, no need to broadcast every single mishap. We want the good stuff. Drama, criminal activity, videos of accidents. This is baby poo
How do you even know it was a woman of the Jewish faith. I. Don’t see that posted anywhere
Ive had this happen mostly from revolvers. The gap in the cylinder tends to force burning powder out of the sides, leading to possible welts or even skin burned through enough to cause slight bleeding. Always remember the rules for maintaining a safe environment as well. Refuah shleimah
Gun owners have an 8 times higher risk of commiting suicide. Don’t get a gun unless you absolutely need one.
That’s like saying people that ski have are 50% more likely to have a skiing accident.
Why would you bring up another place in the story. Shore Shot has been in business for over 31 years in Lakewood. Of course they require eye protection, I feel dumber for clicking on this article and reading it. Clickbait sensationalism at its finest!