Will your Child have Busing this Week? List of Affected Routes [UPDATED]

gus k bus tlsAs earlier reported on TLS, many children will not have busing this week as a result of the busing fiasco, which resulted in Durham terminating many routes.

The following is a clarification of the Durham Bus Company’s 52 post-referendum affected route assignments for this coming week:​

All students will be transported as normal on Monday, February 29​,​

As of Tuesday, March 1​st,​ the following ​31 ​Durham routes will continue to receive transportation services from Durham:

B1  BTE16 LMS9  YK10
BRR12  DOR11  O22
BRR13  EYT1  YT1
BRR17  H5  YTA10
BRR18  H8  AT5
BRR24  H9  AT9
BRR25  H10  AT12
BRR26  H13  AT13
BTE6  H15   AT14
BTE7  H18   AT16

As of Tuesday, March 1​st,​ the following ​​21 ​pre-referendum ​Durham routes will ​not ​receive transportation services from ​the ​
Durham​ Bus Company​​ as a result of Durham’s downsizing due to the February 11th notification of route cuts which were later rescinded on February 22nd​ (number of students on route noted in parenthesis) :

BDGS1 ​(44)​
DOR3 ​(51)​
YTA6 ​(37)​
OWBRR1 ​(51)​
OWYTM​ (33)​
BDGS10 ​(54)​
EYBH4 ​ (25)​
YTA13 ​(44)​
OWBRR2​ (54)​
BDGS11 ​(54)​
EYBH5 ​(24)​
YTA15 ​(41)​
OWBRR3​ (49)​
BDGS12 ​(38)​
EYK2 ​(48)​
AT6 ​(51)​
OWUTA2​ (13)​
BRR19 ​(51)​
EYK4 ​(34)​
AT11 ​(52)​
OWUTA5​ (28)​

Gus Kakavas tells TLS, “We are making every effort to award Durham’s discontinued routes to other bus companies and will be sending out the results as they become available.”

However, Attorney Michael Inzelbuch still has some questions. “How is Durham being allowed by the district just not to provide busing to certain routes at its choosing? What I don’t hear is who is going to pay the increased costs? What happens if no one picks up the routes? Is it true that Durham just used the latest District bedlam as an excuse not to provide busing as it was already doing all year?”

“Once again the public – kids and taxpayers left in the dark,” says Inzelbuch.



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  1. I know very few people actually give two hoots about this town because it seems to be collapsing. Why reassign the affected bus routes? First determine if it is a courtesy bus route or a mandatory bus route and REASSIGN/ASSIGN ALL MANDATORY BUS ROUTES B4 COURTESY BUS ROUTES including mandatory bus routes that are still waiting to be assigned from the beginning of the school year!!!!

  2. Gus has not replied to my emails for MONTHS. There was so much to talk about courtesy busing when my son’s bus route which is mandated has not yet been picked up since the start of the year. I have emailed Gus multiple times and have not received any reply from on this matter. I deserve at least a cursory reply. Now, following the latest news regarding busing, it’s very obvious that many facts were not the way they were presented. Someone is not doing their job.

    So I showed one morning last week at the board of Ed at 9:30 AM. The parking spots of both the superintendent and assistant superintendent were prominently empty. Why is he not there yet? Are people doing their job? Perhaps they were at a meeting elsewhere (in that case no one in the office were aware of it) but the point is someone is not doing their job. And, instead of doing my job at 9 AM every day I need to take my son to school. I want a reply to my email from Gus.

  3. Two of the largest school bus companies in the nation pull out of Lakewood and no one sees the writing on the wall?…wake up people. The transportation system in Lakewood needs new leadership.

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