Will other schools follow?

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Kol Hakovod for taking this step!
Let’s hope all schools will follow the same league
Tiferes Bais Yaakov sent a note home on Tuesday that everyone should bring mishloach monos on Wednesdays to school and give to teachers then…..they will not be giving out lists with addresses and times. I SO appreciate being able to give to teachers, while at the same time NOT having to go on Oak Street on Taanis Esther while other schools have drop off….try going there when meals are distributed…..a nightmare!!! (And I live in the area!!!!)
Why not do this every year even without Covid?
I hope all schools will follow the initiative! it might just cause some conflict in times for parents who have kids in many schools, but it is a great solution for most families.
Excellent idea! Kudos to Bnos Devorah! Hopefully, all the other schools will follow suit. May this become the norm for all future years. It is time to bring back Simchas Purim for the parents!
Many schools have sent home such letters already, my children’s school included.
Tiferes Bais Yaakov sent out a letter on Tuesday that the girls should bring mishloach monos for teachers on Wednesday before Purim. I so appreciate their sensitivity to Purim being Friday and the COVID situation, as well as the possible traffic nightmare on Oak Street, as when meals are given out. Wishing everyone a freilichen and safe Purim!
This has been standard in Boro Park Yeshivas for years. Glad it’s catching on here. (to run around from teacher to teacher for multiple children, while fighting traffic and meeting the teacher’s schedule is a juggling act. coupled with other delivery routes and people going out for the seudas, it’s simpler to bring the students to a central location thus saving time.)
My girls’ school is doing something similar. It’s a great idea!
Great idea
will save the parents so much time during these busy days
I hope other schools follow
Thank you
so krum, giving out mishloach manos when its not Purim and there’s no mitzvah. besides being mevatel the mitzvah of the person you’re giving to early, it shows hoe all your mishloach manos are not being done for the mitzvah of mishloach manos, rather other considerations.
rachmana litzlan from the dor that thinks this is a good thing…
Mazal Tov. In BoroPark Yeshiva Yagdil Torah has been doing this for years (except they do it on Purim). It’s beautiful. They have music and dancing. And parents don’t have to run around time and spend endless hours in traffic.
Of course this year the Purim day is too short for this, so kudos for doing before
mishloach manos is derabanan BUT to get vaccinated against covid is deoraisa and certainly it comes first
Mishloach manos is a mitzvah!
Does anyone look for ways to get out of eating matzoh? Lulav? Menorah?
Why is this different?
To Yid and Seichel: The mitzva is to give 2 items to 1 person. You can do that on Purim, and show your Hakaras Hatov to teachers before Purim.
Wish my kids school can do the same!!!!!!!!
To D.A.
That is enough to be yotzeh but if you look at the Halacha it says to give to all friends and people you know and the more the better. I’m curious to know how much you spend on your esrog matzah…
My school (in Brooklyn) always did this when I was growing up. We brought mishloach manos the day before taanis Esther. However, it was not pointed out to us that real mishloach manos has to be given on Purim day and I did think for many many years that this was okay to do and it led to a lot of us giving early to friends to save time on Purim day. It was a beautiful yummy display of hakaras hatov and friendship which can be done any day of the year but calling it mishloach manos may be confusing the children, as it was for me. If the schools do not mention that, then parents should because they may think it is a full fledged mishloach manos.