Wife of Talmid Chochom with ALS Thanks TLS Readers for their Support

Writing_letter[Submitted by Mrs. Frid] Dear Readers at The Lakewood Scoop,

We want to thank all those who gave of their time and support after reading our story on The Lakewood Scoop. We are overwhelmed and grateful.

Your donation enables us to continue to take care of our dear father at home and give him maximum care and quality of life while allowing us to function as a family. It is a big challenge and we are very touched that you chose to help us.

Rav Dovid learns Daf Hayomi and hopes to finish Shas! He is a fighter and a hero. He could not do this without your help!

Am Yisroel is the embodiment of Chesed and surely your reaching out brings blessing and protection to the world! May you be blessed abundantly with Good Health, Prosperity, and Simcha.

May we all be Zocheh to the final Yeshuah speedily in our days.

Chag Kosher V’Samseach,
Frid family
Father of 8 with ALS

[Editor’s note: Donations can still be made here]

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